BASH - case statement

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# 1  
Old 12-03-2013
BASH - case statement

Hi Gurus,

I have the below BASH code which does not works for upper case alphabets except Z (upper case Z).

What may be the reason. Also escape sequences like \n, \t, \b, \033(1m \033(0m (For bold letter) are not working.[It works few days before]
case $var in
          echo "Lower case alphabet"
          echo "upper case alphabet"


Last edited by Franklin52; 12-03-2013 at 09:42 AM.. Reason: Please use code tags
# 2  
Old 12-03-2013
The first argument to a bash shell script is usually assigned to $1. Are you assigning that to your $var variable elsewhere in your script? If you change $var to $1 it works fine.
# 3  
Old 12-03-2013
Missing something?
case $var in
          echo "Lower case alphabet"
          echo "upper case alphabet"

# 4  
Old 12-03-2013
Chaged $var as $1 - It's not working

Below is the full code - I cant able to find out what causes this error

echo "Enter the character"
read var
case $var in
         echo "Entered a lowercase alphabet"
         echo "Entered a uppercase alphabet"
         echo "Entered a numeric value"
         echo "Entered a special character"
         echo "Entered more than one character"

Last edited by vbe; 12-03-2013 at 10:36 AM.. Reason: Replace icode tags witgs code tags
# 5  
Old 12-03-2013
Put quotes around the $var variable in the case statement:

echo "Enter the character: "
read var
case "$var" in
    echo "Entered a lowercase alphabet"
    echo "Entered a uppercase alphabet"
    echo "Entered a numeric value"
    echo "Entered a special character"
    echo "Entered more than one character"

# 6  
Old 12-03-2013
except uppercase all four other cases are working.

But uppercase is working only for Z(upper case Z)
Bash throws as "Entered lower case alphabet" for all other letters[A-Y]
# 7  
Old 12-03-2013
Originally Posted by in2nix4life
Put quotes around the $var variable in the case statement:
Unless the shell's case-statement implementation is buggy, double-quoting won't make a difference, since it only prevents expansions which won't occur anyway (field splitting and pathname expansion).


---------- Post updated at 10:06 AM ---------- Previous update was at 10:00 AM ----------

Originally Posted by GaneshAnanth
except uppercase all four other cases are working.

But uppercase is working only for Z(upper case Z)
Bash throws as "Entered lower case alphabet" for all other letters[A-Y]
That sounds like a locale collation issue to me. Your locale probably interleaves upper and lower case letters. Either switch to the C (aka POSIX) locale or use character classes, [[:upper:]] and [[:lower:]], which are valid in all locales.

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