Change numbers in flat file

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# 22  
Old 12-03-2013
Originally Posted by Don Cragun
Try changing the line in my script that is currently:
        $(NF + 1) = sprintf("%+.*f", p, vlist[v] - $NF)

        $(NF + 1) = sprintf("%+.*f", p, $NF - vlist[v])

Thanks I haved looked at this and it changed in the result.

To be clear with the requirement Now I need the original value keep unchanged in the result file and only show the variation respect the variable file.
What change I need to make if I want this?
# 23  
Old 12-03-2013
        # Replace the original last field with the number from the value
        # from vlist[].
        $(NF - 1) = vlist[v]

from my script.
# 24  
Old 12-07-2013
Thanks Don, can you explain me the NF value and the vlist[v] variable?
# 25  
Old 12-10-2013
Originally Posted by faka
Thanks Don, can you explain me the NF value and the vlist[v] variable?
NF is set by awk when it reads a line (record) from an input file to be the number of fields on that line. A command like:
		$(NF + 1) = sprintf("%+.*f", p, vlist[v] - $NF)

adds a new field to the end of the current line.

vlist[] is an array created by reading the first input file given to this awk script and saving fields read from that file into vlist[1] through vlist[vlc] (where vlc is the count of entries in the array vlist). The initial value of any variable in awk (unless explicitly initialized by the script) is 0 or an empty string (depending on context). In this script v is an integer value (not a string), and vlist[v] is the current element of the vlist[] array that will be used to compare to a floating point numeric value appearing in the last field of an input line in the second file.
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