Extract certain sections of a line

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# 1  
Old 11-20-2013
Extract certain sections of a line

I have a log that looks like below
sc.mng_10_Err.20131020_000000.log:NCSSC_MNG_UP_PE_TO_BE :  Failed to change dvc_trx_sts from PE to BE for srvtrx: 213323141427349 dvcsfx: 1
sc.mng_4_Err.20131020_000000.log:NCSSC_MNG_UP_PE_TO_BE :  Failed to change dvc_trx_sts from PE to BE for srvtrx: 213323183703756 dvcsfx: 1

I want to create a file to extract the sc.mng # , srvtrx#, and the dvcsfx# and print them like the following:
<srvtrx_no> <sc.mng_No> <dvcsfx_No>

213323141427349 10 1
213323183703756 4 1

# 2  
Old 11-20-2013
awk -F'[_ ]' '{print $(NF-2), $2, $(NF)}' myFile

# 3  
Old 11-20-2013
Try :

$ cat file
sc.mng_10_Err.20131020_000000.log:NCSSC_MNG_UP_PE_TO_BE :  Failed to change dvc_trx_sts from PE to BE for srvtrx: 213323141427349 dvcsfx: 1
sc.mng_4_Err.20131020_000000.log:NCSSC_MNG_UP_PE_TO_BE :  Failed to change dvc_trx_sts from PE to BE for srvtrx: 213323183703756 dvcsfx: 1

$  awk '{gsub("[[:alpha:]]|[[:punct:]]|Err.*srvtrx:|dvcsfx:",x);$0 =  $2 FS $1 FS $3}1' file

213323141427349 10 1
213323183703756 4 1

Last edited by Akshay Hegde; 11-20-2013 at 01:45 PM..
# 4  
Old 11-20-2013
Another approach using match function:
awk '
                match ( $0, /srvtrx:[ ][^ ]*/ )
                srvtrx_no = sprintf ( "%s", substr ( $0, RSTART + 8, RLENGTH - 8 ) )
                match ( $0, /dvcsfx:[ ][^ ]*/ )
                dvcsfx_no = sprintf ( "%s", substr ( $0, RSTART + 8, RLENGTH - 8 ) )
                match ( $0, /sc[.]mng_[0-9]*/ )
                sc_mng_no = sprintf ( "%s", substr ( $0, RSTART + 7, RLENGTH - 7 ) )

                print srvtrx_no, sc_mng_no, dvcsfx_no
' file

# 5  
Old 11-20-2013
awk '{match($0,/sc\.mng_(.*?)_Err.*srvtrx: (.*) dvcsfx: (.*?)/,a);print a[2]" "a[1]" "a[3]}' file

213323141427349 10 1
213323183703756 4 1

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# 6  
Old 11-20-2013
Thanks for all your feedback. Here is the outcomes of all your sugestions
didnt work
awk -F'[_ ]' '{print $(NF-2), $2, $(NF)}' myFile

dvcsfx: 5
dvcsfx: 8

This works
awk '{gsub("[[:alpha:]]|[[:punct:]]|Err.*srvtrx:|dvcsfx:",x);$0 =  $2 FS $1 FS $3}1' file

213323141427363 5 1
213323183703729 8 1

did not work
awk '
                match ( $0, /srvtrx:[ ][^ ]*/ )
                srvtrx_no = sprintf ( "%s", substr ( $0, RSTART + 8, RLENGTH - 8 ) )
                match ( $0, /dvcsfx:[ ][^ ]*/ )
                dvcsfx_no = sprintf ( "%s", substr ( $0, RSTART + 8, RLENGTH - 8 ) )
                match ( $0, /sc[.]mng_[0-9]*/ )
                sc_mng_no = sprintf ( "%s", substr ( $0, RSTART + 7, RLENGTH - 7 ) )

                print srvtrx_no, sc_mng_no, dvcsfx_no
' file

 Syntax Error The source line is 1.
 The error context is
                {match ( $0, /srvtrx:[ ][^ ]*/ )srvtrx_no >>>  = <<<  sprintf ( "%s", substr ( $0, RSTART + 8, RLENGTH - 8 ) ) match ( $0, /dvcsfx:[ ][^            ]*/ ) dvcsfx_no = sprintf ( "%s", substr ( $0, RSTART + 8, RLENGTH - 8 ) ) match ( $0, /sc[.]mng_[0-9]*/ ) sc_mng_no = sprintf ( "%s", substr ( $0, RSTAR           T + 7, RLENGTH - 7 ) ) print srvtrx_no, sc_mng_no, dvcsfx_no}
 awk: 0602-502 The statement cannot be correctly parsed. The source line is 1.

did not work
awk '{match($0,/sc\.mng_(.*?)_Err.*srvtrx: (.*) dvcsfx: (.*?)/,a);print a[2]" "a[1]" "a[3]}' file

 Syntax Error The source line is 1.
 The error context is
                {match($0,/sc\.mng_(.*?)_Err.*srvtrx: (.*) dvcsfx: >>>  (.*?)/, <<<
 awk: 0602-502 The statement cannot be correctly parsed. The source line is 1.

# 7  
Old 11-20-2013
strange... on your sample file:
sc.mng_10_Err.20131020_000000.log:NCSSC_MNG_UP_PE_TO_BE :  Failed to change dvc_trx_sts from PE to BE for srvtrx: 213323141427349 dvcsfx: 1
sc.mng_4_Err.20131020_000000.log:NCSSC_MNG_UP_PE_TO_BE :  Failed to change dvc_trx_sts from PE to BE for srvtrx: 213323183703756 dvcsfx: 1

running awk -F'[_ ]' '{print $(NF-2), $2, $(NF)}' mySampleFile I get:
213323141427349 10 1
213323183703756 4 1

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