Clarification on Case command

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Clarification on Case command
# 1  
Old 11-17-2013
Clarification on Case command

I'm a newbie to shell programming and have just written a small program to transfer files.
# job variables

export DATETIME=`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`
export STARTTIME=`date +%Y%m%d%H%M`
export ShellDir=/rosetlt/scripts/ksh
export LogDir=/rosetlt/scripts/log
export LogFile=${LogDir}/RTMS_MDM_FTRANS_P14_${DATETIME}.log

case "${RunMode}" in
DEV)   export INDir=/ftpland/RPDX/MDM/${RunMode}
       export ARCDir=/ftpland/RPDX/MDM/${RunMode}/archive
       export OUTDir=/apps/MPI/empi/inbound/drop
       export userid=svc-mpi
       export DestHost=;;
QA)    export INDir=/ftpland/RPDX/MDM/${RunMode}
       export ARCDir=/ftpland/RPDX/MDM/${RunMode}/archive
       export OUTDir=/apps/MPI/empi/inbound/drop
       export userid=svc-mpi
       export DestHost=;;
UAT)   export INDir=/ftpland/RPDX/MDM/${RunMode}
       export ARCDir=/ftpland/RPDX/MDM/${RunMode}/archive
       export OUTDir=/apps/MPI/empi/inbound/drop
       export userid=svc-mpi
       export DestHost=;;
PROD)  export INDir=/ftpland/RPDX/MDM/${RunMode}
       export ARCDir=/ftpland/RPDX/MDM/${RunMode}/archive
       export OUTDir=/apps/MPI/empi/inbound/drop
       export userid=svc-mpi
       export DestHost= ;;
 *)    print "Invalid Env Type.  Values can be DEV,QA,UAT or PROD";;

Moderator's Comments:
Mod Comment please use code tags

Please let me know if anything can be changed to make this more effective.


Last edited by jim mcnamara; 11-17-2013 at 07:42 PM..
# 2  
Old 11-18-2013
It is hard to say how effective this script would be transferring files since nothing in this script transfers any file.

Since INDir, ARCDir, OUTDir, and userid are set to the same value in every case, why don't you set those four values before the case statement?

Normally, when you have an error case (in this case *), why don't you exit with a non-zero exit status at the end of that case and only continue after the case statement finishes if one of the valid choices was given as the first operand to your script?
This User Gave Thanks to Don Cragun For This Post:
# 3  
Old 11-18-2013
as Cargun said .. you can write the same case statement as below ...

case "${RunMode}" in
DEV)     DestHost=;;
QA)         DestHost=;;
UAT)      DestHost=;;
PROD)  DestHost="";;
 *)    print "Invalid Env Type.  Values can be DEV,QA,UAT or PROD";;

Last edited by Franklin52; 11-18-2013 at 08:36 AM.. Reason: Please use code tags
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