Mix two files line by line

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Mix two files line by line
# 8  
Old 11-17-2013
Sorry alister, Don Cragun, drl,Jim mcnamara and Scott. Since sub forum is Shell Programming and Scripting, I posted answer. If thread was in Homework & coursework Questions, I would not posted ready-made solution. Please forgive me.
# 9  
Old 11-18-2013
Originally Posted by alister
If you see that a member is donating of their valuable time to teach someone how to solve their problem -- a process which requires some contribution from the one being helped and which is more likely to result in learning -- please don't undermine that effort by providing a complete, ready-made solution.


Sometimes we DO need a ready made solution, and Akshay was much more helpful than anyone else in this thread.

It's amazing how some people think they know what's best for everyone.

Thank you Akshay.
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