Problem with the script!!!

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Problem with the script!!!
# 8  
Old 11-01-2013
Try for given input this will work

$ cat <<eof | awk -F"|" '{$11="\b"}1' OFS="|"
492|8243848|13586071||68|LYNMOUTH DRIVE||RUISLIP|MIDDLESEX|HA4 9BZ||7|||
492|8243848|13586072||68|LYNMOUTH DRIVE||RUISLIP|MIDDLESEX|HA4 9BZ||7||

492|8243848|13586071||68|LYNMOUTH DRIVE||RUISLIP|MIDDLESEX|HA4 9BZ|7|||
492|8243848|13586072||68|LYNMOUTH DRIVE||RUISLIP|MIDDLESEX|HA4 9BZ|7||

# 9  
Old 11-01-2013
Originally Posted by Aditya_001
Nope the above command as well is not working Smilie
As far as feedback goes, that's as useless as it gets. Please, in the future, when members are trying to help you, the least you can do is provide specific details.

The cut command is a standard and widely available utility. I did not use any non-standard extensions. Given the sample input that you provided in post #3, it produces the desired output. So, exactly how does it fail to meet your requirements? Show us some data on which it fails. Show us the output it generates on your system (while you're at it, tell us which operating system and shell you're using). And show us the desired output for that data.

Originally Posted by alister
If that doesn't apply, then you need to do a better job of specifying your data.
You have done a very poor job of specifying your data. It looks like it's pipe-delimited, but you want to remove a pipe. If it is pipe-delimited, that will alter the number of fields in each record. Do all records have the same number of fields? Is there some constant that can be used as a key? Your sample data and your textual description implies that the target to be replaced is preceded by a constant string ...
Originally Posted by Aditya_001
In input file after the |HA4 9BZ| we have || and that needs to be replaced with | through out the file:
... but I suspect that may not be accurate.

Take a moment to put yourself in an ignorant mindset. We are not at all familiar with your data nor with what you are trying to accomplish. Whatever it is, it is likely not a difficult task and the only reason that this thread has gone on as long as it has is because you have not done a good job of helping us help you.

This User Gave Thanks to alister For This Post:
# 10  
Old 11-04-2013
Thanks very much Akshay Hegde, this looks more promising,

May I request you to let me know how can I apply the same logic if its on a file

If test.txt has the data
492|8243848|13586071||68|LYNMOUTH DRIVE||RUISLIP|MIDDLESEX|HA4 9BZ||7|||
492|8243848|13586072||68|LYNMOUTH DRIVE||RUISLIP|MIDDLESEX|HA4 9BZ||7||
how can I use the below command on the file
cat <<eof | *awk -F"|" '{$11="\b"}1' OFS="|"*
492|8243848|13586071||68|LYNMOUTH DRIVE||RUISLIP|MIDDLESEX|HA4 9BZ||7|||
492|8243848|13586072||68|LYNMOUTH DRIVE||RUISLIP|MIDDLESEX|HA4 9BZ||7||

Thanks very much,

---------- Post updated at 07:35 AM ---------- Previous update was at 07:30 AM ----------

Hi Alister,

I am really Sorry, and I got it and now its working fine on the file,

I used the commad wrongly, thanks very much,

Let me try on with other flat files as well and will let you know,

Your help is much appreciated!!
# 11  
Old 11-04-2013
do like this on terminal

$  awk -F"|" '{$11="\b"}1' OFS="|" file

This User Gave Thanks to Akshay Hegde For This Post:
# 12  
Old 11-04-2013
Thanks very much and my issue is resolved,

Akshay Hegde and Alister thanks very much for your help, much appreciated
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