Doubt in .netrc file for ftp login

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# 1  
Old 10-21-2013
Doubt in .netrc file for ftp login


i have a doubt. i am using .netrc file for login to a ftp server.


suppose i have 2 userid and password for the same server as shown below. which one is it going to read from the .netrc file?
cat .netrc
machine login admin1 password pass1
machine login admin2 password pass2

# 2  
Old 10-21-2013

Hope this helps
# 3  
Old 10-21-2013
it gives unknown host error.
# 4  
Old 10-21-2013
That's sftp I'm afraid. The only way I have got this to work is to have one of the following:-
  • Lots of DNS aliases so that the .netrc can have several definitions, even though they eventually go to the same host.
  • Lots of subdirectories that each contain a separate .netrc file. You can then defined $HOME to be the appropriate one before calling ftp.
Neither is perfect, but if you cannot sftp then these might give you a viable option. In the first, there is the overhead of all the alias records and what happens when you migrate services to another server. You might need to have:-
  • A hostname definition
  • An alias for all services on the host
  • A set of alias records pointing to the above for each FTP
That way, if you replace the host, you move the first alias to point to the new hostname and all the other alias records will follow that.

Of course, with the other option you then have the concerns over multiple .netrc files and changing the value of $HOME which can have unexpected consequences depending on what you next do.

I hope that this helps, but let us know if you need more detail on the options.

# 5  
Old 10-21-2013
ftp reads the first line that the found in the your .netrc file.
# 6  
Old 10-21-2013
Originally Posted by ygemici
ftp reads the first line that the found in the your .netrc file.
Uh Smilie
I used to use .netrc for like 3 ftp servers at the 'same time'.
Meaning i acutaly had 4 entries for 3 servers, 1 been quoted out.
Maybe it was just an illusion that the files got uploaded and were to be seen on the website.

The only error i experienced with .netrc were when i deleted the password 'collum' of a line.

Syntax from manpage: sftp
sftp [user@]host[:dir[/]]

Just curious, why make a file (~/.netrc) that contains all required info on 1 line, if it can handle only 1 entry?
I thought it was ment like: you pass the host to [s]ftp, which will open ~/.netrc and read the line containing host, obviously, it 'should' check for any user parameter to be on the same line too, if there are multiple identical hosts.

Well, on Fedora it seems to work that way.

Last edited by sea; 10-21-2013 at 11:27 AM..
# 7  
Old 10-21-2013
.netrc file is meant for ftp logins not for sftp logins i guess.
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