Listing all local variables for unset

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# 1  
Old 10-18-2013
Listing all local variables for unset

I have tried to thoroughly search other threads before posting this question...

I have a shell script (bsh) that I'd like to "re-execute" if the user chooses to. Before the program is executed again the local variables (those set within the script) need to be unset. Is there a command that will list these to make unset easy and thorough? From what I understand env cannot be used to list just local variables.

There may be another way to re-execute rather than using unset and then exec that I haven't thought of. I am open to any suggestions. Thanks.
# 2  
Old 10-18-2013
Variables set within a script cease to exist, or revert to their values before the script was executed, when the script terminates (except, that is, if the script is sourced).

$ unset A B
$ export A B
$ A=33
$ cat myScript
echo A is $A
echo B is $B

$ ./myScript
A is 40
B is 60

$ echo A is $A
A is 33
$ echo B is $B
B is

# 3  
Old 10-18-2013
If you're executing (as opposed to sourcing) the script and it's not explicitly exporting the variables then they won't be set anyway, since they're local to the subshell.
# 4  
Old 10-18-2013
If you are exporting the variables , will get it in env command.
Otherwise start with set but it will list all the variables not just local variables set in the script .
Hope others has better solution.
# 5  
Old 10-18-2013

I had previously been using an until loop to cycle the program back around and that required the unset. I made the wrong assumption exec would require the same. Thanks for the information.
# 6  
Old 10-18-2013
Originally Posted by greet_sed
If you are exporting the variables , will get it in env command.
Otherwise start with set but it will list all the variables not just local variables set in the script .
Hope others has better solution.
You could always diff the set output from before & after. Of course, you actually have to run the script.
This User Gave Thanks to CarloM For This Post:
# 7  
Old 10-18-2013
Originally Posted by CarloM
You could always diff the set output from before & after. Of course, you actually have to run the script.
Alternatively if the env command lists exported variables and set lists all variables you diff the output of these commands.

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