Delete files in group of directories

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# 1  
Old 10-17-2013
Delete files in group of directories

OS: SUNOS 5.10 i386

Hello guys I wrote a shell script in bash shell to delete the files less than 30 days old. The following is the script.

for dirs in `/clu04/oracle/directory_list.lst`
  find $dirs -type f -mtime -30 -exec rm {} \;


basically the directory_list.lst is a file containing the list of directories from which the files should be deleted. following are the directories in the directory_list.lst

the following is the error I am getting when I execute the script.
/clu04/oracle/directory_list.lst: line 1: /clu04/oracle/test_dir1/: is a directory
/clu04/oracle/directory_list.lst: line 2: /clu04/oracle/test_dir2/: is a directory
/clu04/oracle/directory_list.lst: line 3: /clu04/oracle/test_dir3/: is a directory

Now when I exeucte the following script with out the directory_list.lst and the for loop, it works just fine.

find /clu04/oracle/test_dir -type f -mtime -30 -exec rm {} \;


Can someone please tell me where I am going wrong?

Thank You

Last edited by Franklin52; 10-17-2013 at 11:12 AM.. Reason: Please use code tags
# 2  
Old 10-17-2013
while read line
find $line -type f -exec rm {} \;

can you try the given command ?

Last edited by greet_sed; 10-17-2013 at 10:52 AM.. Reason: modifiy the code
This User Gave Thanks to greet_sed For This Post:
# 3  
Old 10-17-2013
The While loop worked.

Why couldn't the for loop work, I wonder.

but any way thanks a bunch Greet_sed.
# 4  
Old 10-17-2013
Originally Posted by zacsparrow
Why couldn't the for loop work, I wonder.
`/clu04/oracle/directory_list.lst` executes directory_list.lst, it doesn't list the file contents.

`< /clu04/oracle/directory_list.lst` (or cat) would work.

Last edited by CarloM; 10-17-2013 at 11:23 AM.. Reason: backtics for consistency
This User Gave Thanks to CarloM For This Post:
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