Rediecting the sql o/p to same csv file

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# 1  
Old 10-09-2013
Rediecting the sql o/p to same csv file

I have output of two sql queries in solaris server. I need to append the data of two queries one by one in a same csv file using a shell script. Can anyone help me to do this?
# 2  
Old 10-09-2013
Originally Posted by Arasu
I need to append the data of two queries one by one in a same csv file using a shell script.
What do you mean by one by one? Do you mean alternate lines from two different files?

I would suggest you to post what you have tried so far along with sample input & output to better understand your requirement.
# 3  
Old 10-09-2013
I think one spool command will direct all subsequent queries' output into the same spool file.
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