Replace help

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# 1  
Old 10-07-2013
Replace help

Hi experts,

I have a csv file where the delimiter is comma and the text between apostrophe.

Like this:


But now i have a lot of enter(end of line) in text like this:

How can i remove that enters and make my line like the firs example?

Thank You for Your help!
# 2  
Old 10-07-2013

$ cat file

if you have to remove empty line use this

$ awk '!/^""$/'  file


if you need everything in one line use below one
$ awk '!/^""$/{printf $0}END{printf RS}'  file


# 3  
Old 10-07-2013
paste -s filename | sed 's/""//g;s/"\s\+/"/g'

# 4  
Old 10-07-2013
thanks its work by 1 line file.

Can you help what can i do, if i have a file with 1 million lines which include 15 bad characters(apostrophe and enter).
# 5  
Old 10-07-2013
Hi snayper,

Could you please provide part of input file ?

# 6  
Old 10-07-2013

"2721348","2013-10-06","2013-10-06 15:54:37","Tree","1","0","1","1","paper","sumer","","ppd","no","no","anonymous","195","oo","Seria SP, kete","000000000126 ","Red 4","","","","","","","","","2013-10-06 15:57:59","107","","","","7763","EgĂĄg","sĂĄg","a","27"," ep,  ,  Ajt","73","Eger","yes","a","27","let,  Emelet,  Ajt","76","Eger","Ipol","ca","27","let,  Emelet,  Aj","","","","","","","","","","Sen","rea","Sea","Pcs","","1731","","mar","rtya","5755","","460","","","knes","","","0382323422919","ignhu","
"3621123","2013-10-06","2013-10-06 07:07:23","Szabina","1","0","1","0","zala","coer","ice","paid","no","no","anonymous","","oo","CsaIM","noim","Red 24","","","","","","","","","2013-10-06 07:07:56","107","","","","3529","Miskolc","yi Istv","ua","29","let","32","lc","Ac","ua","2","","32","Mc","Ac","ua","2"," let,  let,  ","","","","","","","","","","Cs","Sina","","kol","","116","","myar","","599452PA","","388304RL","","","","","","3254608134","srohu","","","0","","","","mini","","","","","","","","","","","","",""

that is two row which include one of bad.
# 7  
Old 10-07-2013
awk '!/^""$/ {
if ( $0 ~ /^"[^,].+/) { printf NR==1?$0:"\n"$0} else { printf $0}
} END { printf  "\n"} ' filename

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