awk - make new line

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# 1  
Old 10-03-2013
awk - make new line


I would like to make a new line example like below:

When you post an item you can just delete the files.


every 3 words of the above sentence I would like to make a new line like below:
When you post
an item you
can just delete
the files

and after the last line "the files", I would like to make an empty line.

Any advise/suggest would greatly appreciate.


Last edited by Scrutinizer; 10-04-2013 at 08:05 AM.. Reason: code tags
# 2  
Old 10-03-2013
STRING="When you post an item you can just delete the files."
for WORD in $STRING;do
    printf "$WORD "
    let WORDS++ ; [[ $WORDS -gt 2 ]] && WORDS=0
    [[ $WORDS -eq 0 ]] && printf "\n"
printf "\n"

EDIT: Sorry just figured you're refering to awk, which i dont know either.

Last edited by sea; 10-03-2013 at 11:36 PM.. Reason: codefix ;)
# 3  
Old 10-03-2013
str="When you post an item you can just delete the files."

echo $str  | awk '
	{	for ( i=1; i<=NF; i++ ) { 
			printf $i FS; 
			if ( i%3 == 0 )
				printf "\n"
	} END { printf "\n" }

# 4  
Old 10-03-2013
Hello jethrow, what is NF and FS you're using in the syntax?
# 5  
Old 10-04-2013
Check out the quick reference guide here: An Awk Primer
# 6  
Old 10-04-2013
An awk variation without loop
awk '{printf "%s" (NR%3?" ":"\n"),$0} END {print ""}' RS=" " file
When you post
an item you
can just delete
the files.

# 7  
Old 10-04-2013
If you can also use something other than awk, try:
xargs -n 3 < file


$ var="When you post an item you can just delete the files."
$ printf "%s %s %s\n" $var
When you post
an item you
can just delete
the files.

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