Plink (processing multiple commands) using Bash

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# 1  
Old 09-20-2013
Question Plink (processing multiple commands) using Bash

I'm completely brand new to bash scripting (migrating from Windows batch file scripting). I'm currently trying to write a bash script that will automatically reset "error-disabled" Cisco switch ports. Please forgive the very crude and inefficient script I have so far (shown below). It is currently able to identify all error-disabled ports on a device and dump them in a text file list called, "ports.txt".


plink.exe -ssh -l UserID -pw Password01 "sho int status" >/cygdrive/c/Users/MKANET/Desktop/CheckIT/output.txt

grep "err-disabled" /cygdrive/c/Users/MKANET/Desktop/CheckIT/output.txt | awk '{print $1}' >ports.txt

Contents of ports.txt: (example)

I would really appreciate if someone would be kind enough to please provide a "working" example script that would take each port listed in ports.txt as the variable $port; and, use it in the below commands.txt text file (meant for below respective plink command):

 plink.exe -ssh -l UserID -pw Password01  </commands.txt

Contents of commands.txt:
config t
int $port
no shut

Hopefully, I explained this well enough to understand. I wasn't sure how to word it any better.
Thanks in advance!

Last edited by Scott; 09-20-2013 at 03:33 PM.. Reason: Code tags for code and data
# 2  
Old 09-20-2013
Try something like:
while read port 
  plink.exe -ssh -l UserID -pw Password01 << EOF
    config t
    int $port
    no shut
done < ports.txt

Or perhaps the commands to plink could be combined into one long sequence of commands, so that plink.exe needs to be called only once?
# 3  
Old 09-24-2013
Thanks so much for your help! I didn't realize my forum email notifications were going into spam until just now. Smilie

The example actually works; however, it looks like it's having to authenticate into the device every time it runs through the loop. Is it possible to only do the below line only once then loop the series of commands device commands?

Only once:
plink.exe -ssh -l UserID -pw Password01

Then, loop through the below device commands until it's gone through the ports.txt
    config t
    int $port
    no shut

# 4  
Old 09-24-2013
Hi, do you mean something like this:
plink.exe -ssh -l UserID -pw Password01 << EOF
  while read port
    cat << EOP
    config t
    int $port
    no shut
  done < ports.txt

# 5  
Old 09-24-2013
Wow, it works perfectly! Now that it does what I want, I'm embarrassed to say, I don't know how it exactly works.

It looks like you've made the entire code below into a variable. If so, I don't understand why:
  while read port
    cat << EOP
    config t
    int $port
    no shut
  done < ports.txt

Please correct me if I'm wording it wrong; but it looks like below, you're telling the cat command to stop the cat command mode when it sees "EOP". EOP, can be any pattern.

    cat << EOP
    config t
    int $port
    no shut

I really appreciate your help. Your help is extremely valuable to me.
# 6  
Old 09-24-2013
Originally Posted by MKANET
Please correct me if I'm wording it wrong; but it looks like below, you're telling the cat command to stop the cat command mode when it sees "EOP". EOP, can be any pattern.
More or less correct. It's called a "here-document", and attaches the text inside the block to the standard input of the program its fed into. It's a shell feature. It will work with any program that reads from standard input, not just cat.
# 7  
Old 09-24-2013
$( ) are the modern form of backticks ` `.

He could have also done it with a pipe:

  while read port
    cat << EOP
    config t
    int $port
    no shut
  done < ports.txt
  echo "exit" ) | plink ...

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