Script for enable ports error=13

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Old 09-12-2013
Wrench Script for enable ports error=13


I am triying to run this script in order to find the pid for each open port and when I run it in one server it give me an error and for another server is not showing the same error. Below I pasted the script and the result.

print "Port            PID              Process"
netstat -Aan | grep LISTEN | awk '{print $1 " " $5}'| tr -d "*." | while read pcb port; do
        out=`rmsock $pcb tcpcb`
        if echo "$out" | grep "Kernel Extension" > /dev/null; then
                printf "%-15s Kernel Extension\n" "$port"
                pid=`echo "$out" | sed -n 's/.*pro[c]*ess \([0-9][0-9]*\) .*/\1/p'`
                if [ -n "$pid" ]; then
                        proc=`ps -p $pid | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $4}'`
                        printf "%-15s %-16s $proc\n" "$port" $pid
                        echo "Error, Line not recognized \"$out\" for Port $port"

output for one server
Port            PID              Process
rmsock : Unable to read kernel address f1000600011c8b98, errno = 13
Error, Line not recognized "" for Port 21
rmsock : Unable to read kernel address f100060001236b98, errno = 13
Error, Line not recognized "" for Port 22
rmsock : Unable to read kernel address f10006000121e398, errno = 13
Error, Line not recognized "" for Port 23
rmsock : Unable to read kernel address f10006000121eb98, errno = 13
Error, Line not recognized "" for Port 111
rmsock : Unable to read kernel address f10006000123a398, errno = 13
Error, Line not recognized "" for Port 657
rmsock : Unable to read kernel address f10006000123b398, errno = 13
Error, Line not recognized "" for Port 1334
rmsock : Unable to read kernel address f100060000427398, errno = 13
Error, Line not recognized "" for Port 1950
rmsock : Unable to read kernel address f100060001212398, errno = 13
Error, Line not recognized "" for Port 32768
rmsock : Unable to read kernel address f100060001212b98, errno = 13
Error, Line not recognized "" for Port 32769
rmsock : Unable to read kernel address f100060000436b98, errno = 13
Error, Line not recognized "" for Port 1013355811953

output for other server
Port            PID              Process
*.21            4391118          inetd
*.22            5767352          sshd
*.22            5767352          sshd
*.23            4391118          inetd
Error, Line not recognized "Wait for exiting processes to be cleaned up before removing the socket" for Port *.111
*.427           1638586          slp_srvreg
*.657           7733484          rmcd
*.1334          5505192          writesrv
*.1950          5898446          java
*.5988          10420422         cimserver
*.5989          10420422         cimserver
*.6181          4391118          inetd
Error, Line not recognized "Wait for exiting processes to be cleaned up before removing the socket" for Port *.32770
*.9495          8585228          lcfd
*.16191         5308580          clcomd

I think this is relate with permitions.

Thanks and regards

Last edited by vbe; 09-12-2013 at 12:59 PM.. Reason: code tags...
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