Replace a string with a new value

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# 1  
Old 09-09-2013
Replace a string with a new value

Hi ,
I have 2 tasks as outlined below:
I have a set of XML's placed in a unix dir /app/files . Inside the XML's i have a field named as description. I would like to write a script which would read all the xml files and wherever find this filed ,add a .dot at the end.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <description>BK 4.6 01/15/20</description>

Output :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <description>BK 4.6 01/15/20.</description>

After above change I shall have a task to perform and after that i want to revert to original XML's by removing the dot .
Please help me with the 2 scirpts.
# 2  
Old 09-09-2013
To start, for a single file, try something like :
awk '$1=="description"{$2=$2 "."}1' RS=\< ORS=\< FS=\> OFS=\> file

to add the dot.. and
awk '$1=="description"{sub(/\.$/,x,$2)}1' RS=\< ORS=\< FS=\> OFS=\> file

to remove..
# 3  
Old 09-09-2013
awk '{gsub(/<\/description>/,".&")}1' file

, save the ouput so you can operate on it, and then delete it. Leave the original file untouched.
# 4  
Old 09-09-2013
sed version:
sed 's@</description>@.&@g' file

Why you don't task perform on the fly ?
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