Finding Data in the file

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# 8  
Old 09-02-2013
The strftime is available, However am Trying to do the below, but not getting the needed result
awk -F, 'BEGIN{today=strftime("%b %e %Y")} 
{ #print substr($NF,1,11)
  #print today
 (substr($NF,1,11)== today)
' infile

The reason being that the NF contains the Time as well (Which is always marked as 00:00:00)
# 9  
Old 09-02-2013
Originally Posted by Prashantckc
The strftime is available, However am Trying to do the below, but not getting the needed result
awk -F, 'BEGIN{today=strftime("%b %e %Y")} 
{ #print substr($NF,1,11)
  #print today
 (substr($NF,1,11)== today)
' infile

The reason being that the NF contains the Time as well (Which is always marked as 00:00:00)
First, the input that you showed us in the 1st message in this thread did not contain 00:00:00 in any of the input lines. So, what input are you using now?

Second, you have commented out both print statements in this awk script and the awk statement:
 (substr($NF,1,11)== today)

should not produce any output. So, what is the needed result?
# 10  
Old 09-02-2013
Hi Don Cragun

The feed is same, only the date in the file is appended in the last column along with the date (Which is always 00:00:00).

Regarding Point 2
The lines which I commented was for testing purpose
#print substr($NF,1,11)

This I used to get exactly what is returned by substr()
 #print today

To check what is the exact value which am getting in today

The Last Line which is actually checking the quality is not commented
 (substr($NF,1,11)== today)

# 11  
Old 09-02-2013
Originally Posted by Prashantckc
Hi Don Cragun

... ... ...

The Last Line which is actually checking the quality is not commented
 (substr($NF,1,11)== today)

It isn't commented, but it evaluates to 0 or to 1 and prints nothing either way. If what you're trying to do is print lines that have today's date and ignore other lines, change your script to:
awk -F, 'BEGIN{today=strftime("%b %e %Y")} 
substr($NF,1,11) == today
' infile

My awk doesn't include an strftime() function, but the following should also work for you:
awk -F, 'BEGIN{today=strftime("%b %e %Y 00:00:00")} 
$NF == today
' infile

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