Help with awk statement

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Help with awk statement
# 15  
Old 08-12-2013
I tried to rearrange the output but now I put the actual output on. So to make it easier to understand. So the actual output is what I put. Been trying all sorts of stuff.
I don't use awk that often so I don't know all the tricks to it.
# 16  
Old 08-12-2013
So please rephrase your initial problem carefully, based on real data, and supply a representative input file and a desired output. There is nothing more annoying than to work on "moving targets", i.e. a sample file that all of a sudden is not valid any more and you have to start over with proposals!

To get at number fields using awk, try the following (you can e.g. break after the first number encountered):
awk '{for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) if ($i+0==$i) print $i}' file

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