Script to go Into Directories and Find/Delete files
I have a task, I usually do manually, but with growing responsibilities I tend to forget to do this weekly, I want to write a script that automates this, but I cant seem to work it out in my head, I have the shell of it out, but need help, and you guys have helped me with EVERY problem I have posted, and have found help in others posts as well. Please see below shell code I have started. I want to go to the ORDATA which is the variable for /opt/data in this case directory, find the folders with most stuff in it and cd into each one and then cd into the backup folder and do a couple of those find commands.
How do I make it go out of the first directory and into the next and so on and so forth? I know i can use the while loop in some capacity, but not quite sure.
for example /opt/data/ has 4 directories /mpw, /docprep, /edfiles, /vgdata and under each of those directories is a /backup directory as well, I want to start at /opt/data, go into each the 4 directories, go into the backup directories and do those find and delete commands i came with until its went into all 4 backup directories.
Below is what I have so far.
Last edited by gkelly1117; 04-03-2013 at 12:08 PM..
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Appreciate it alot, let me play with this a little bit, question, Can I feed this multiple directories, I remembered I also have a tmp directory and files under ordata in a different structure tree other than /backup that fills quickly, so can i add
etc.. after that first find? It makes sense to me that it could, just want confirmation.
Yes, we can.
If your find statements are exactly the same otherwise, you can combine them to one
I changed the order, so the more "expensive" name comparison is after the simple file type and age checks. -a (AND) is only for readablity - can be omitted.
Last but not least, this should be secured:
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Hope someone can help
thanks in advance
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