Can any programmer do this task in shell script...
input file's one set header is this,
the out put file's header will look like,
Needed columns
1 ---------------------z value (here its 0,10 and 20)
1_quality ---------its (1),(2) and (3)
1_quality_1 ------its [00], [00], and [00]
As you see here, 3 is an additional column, which exists for some datasets and is missing for others. So this
header has to be constructed only once. i.e. at the beginning point. In order to keep track whether the header is constructed at least once, we need to make use of flag "_onceFlag" which is set to false initially. When header is constrcuted first time, and is written in the output file, _onceFlag is set to true and next time it won't write header information in the output file.
Time being I am using C++ program to do this task, problem is I need to enter file name every time...
So if any one can help to do this task, it will be helpful...
Looking at the Output_needed_format.txt file and looking at the 1st 9 lines, I thought I saw a pattern and knew what you wanted. But, the last 9 lines (not exactly corresponding to the #Levels value 10 and having no data in the z* columns and the 1* columns in the output) don't make any sense to me.
If you want our help on this, please post the complete output that you want to get from the following entries in Input.txt:
and answer a few questions:
The input records have data in columns with headers z, 1, 2, and 3. Does the code we supply need to make a pass through the input for the exact set of fields supplied in the files to be processed, or should the code always assume there are just the above four sets of data included in Input.txt?
Does the code need to reformat floating point values to remove trailing zeros, or can it just print the values found in the input?
When printing floaing point values, do the decimal points need to line up?
Does the code need to verify that the #Levels field value exactly matches the number of data lines after the z header line? If so, what should be done if there is a mismatch? Should the code make any other data validity checks? If so, what checks and what should be done if the checks fail?
What you said is right it works only for the sample file which I had given...when I tried with some other file got some error..see
awk: cmd. line:4: fatal: cannot open file `input.txt' for reading (No such file or directory)
This just says that input.txt is not where it is expected to be. Adapt the path and filename.
If your working file is different from your sample file, you should not be surprised that the proposal provided does not work. Pls. give a meaningful sample in the first place.
experts....have a look on my code,,,I need it in shell scripting...
Hi experts,,
Here I have attached my code just change the extension to cpp and run, you will get output file....that actually I want in shell script...
what script has to do is it should ask latitude and longitude only once, and it has to process all the files in a directory, in my current c++ code every time I am entering latitude and longitude, and file name, I hope you experts can do this task in shell...
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Could you please provide the script for this task?
Steps are given below.
1. Login into database from server
sqlplus... (5 Replies)
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22-11-2012 7:54:54 PM in single column
I want it to split in this format either 1st column 22/11/2012 and in second column 7:54:54 PM
Or like this in separate... (13 Replies)
ksh $CODE/dis/scripts/
DIS_BTEQ LZ_DIS_LOAD_LOG_KEY > $CODE/dis/logs/lz_table_audit_`date '+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S'`.log 2>&1
Can some one tell me what the above script is doing?
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Use and complete the template provided. The entire template must be completed. If you don't, your post may be deleted!
1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data:
Hi all,
I am new to shell scripting. And I have a task to do, I tried all possible ways to solve this, but... (8 Replies)
Hi all,
I am new to shell scripting. And I have a task to do, I tried all possible ways to solve this, but didn't. Iwas wondering maybe someone could help me.
So I have a random file something like this
Andrew John Mike
Alfa Omega Beta
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I am looking for some one who is Brainbench Certified Shell Programmer, who can share his/her experience.
Actually I am planning to give exam, but before that wuld lik some1 to throw light on this..also if dumps are availble pls mail me @
Thanks & Regards,... (1 Reply)
I have a file contains
TASK gsnmpproxy {
CommandLine = $SMCHOME/bin/gsnmpProxy.exe
TASK gsnmpdbgui {
CommandLine = $SMCHOME/bin/gsnmpdbgui.exe
I would like to comment and than uncomment specific task eg TASK gsnmpproxy
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2008-05-15 02:15:38,268 RMSConnectionFactory - Setting session state for connection.
2008-05-15 02:15:38,277 RMSConnectionFactory - Returning WS connection.
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