Remove newline character or join the broken record
I have a very huge file, around 1GB of data.
I want to remove the newline characters in the file but not preceded by the original end delimiter {}
sample data will look like this
this should look like this
i tried the below perl command, since the file is too huge it is throwing an error
sed command will be better which will remove all the '\n' but not '{}\n'
Please hlp me with any clue's
I have removed the next statement and trying to understand how the code works.. below i have given i how i have understood this code. please correct me if i am wrong.
so here the pattern statement is /{}$/
the action statement is {print} ( This print statement will execute if the pattern matched successfully. else this wont executed )
{printf "%s ",$0;} ( This statement will execute throught the script. it doesnt come under any condition )
the pattern {}$ doesnt match this line so the {print} statement doesnt execute.
But the {printf "%s ",$0;} executes and prints the same line1 as thats the current record in processing.
Now the first line has been read and awk moves on to the next line
the pattern {}$ does match and {print} statement gets executed.
Now awk should again print the line 2 as there is {printf "%s ",$0;} right ? how does it move to next record ?
I have removed the next statement and trying to understand how the code works.. below i have given i how i have understood this code. please correct me if i am wrong.
so here the pattern statement is /{}$/
the action statement is {print} ( This print statement will execute if the pattern matched successfully. else this wont executed )
{printf "%s ",$0;} ( This statement will execute throught the script. it doesnt come under any condition )
the pattern {}$ doesnt match this line so the {print} statement doesnt execute.
But the {printf "%s ",$0;} executes and prints the same line1 as thats the current record in processing.
Now the first line has been read and awk moves on to the next line
the pattern {}$ does match and {print} statement gets executed.
Now awk should again print the line 2 as there is {printf "%s ",$0;} right ? how does it move to next record ?
first execute [1.LINE]
/{}$/ [ you can think there is a `if` ] the pattern matched successfully then print (with default ORS="\n")
result --> NULL (because 1.line does not match with '{}$')
[ you can think there is an `else` ] print "without newline" (printf ..)
result --> "1[|]2[|]3[|]4[|]5[|]6[|]7 "
second execute [2.LINE]
/{}$/ pattern match then print
result -->[|]a[|]b[|]c[|]d{}
I came across one issue recently where output from one of the columns of the table from where i am creating input file has newline characters hence, record in the file is spread over multiple lines. Fields in the file are separated by pipe (|) delimiter. As header will never have newline... (4 Replies)
I have a file which comes every day and the file data look's as below.
Vi abc.txt
Some times we receive the file with only a new line character in the file like
vi abc.txt
\n (8 Replies)
Hi all..
I have a text file which looks like below:
(blank space)
I need to remove only the last (blank space) from the file. When I try wc -l the file name,the number of lines coming is 3 only, however blank space is there in the file.
I have tried options like... (14 Replies)
hi i am having delimited .dat file having content like below.
test.dat(5 line of records)
PT2~Stag~Pt2 Stag Test.
Updated~PT2 S T~Area~~UNCEF R20~~2012-05-24 ~2014-05-24~~
PT2~Stag y~Pt2 Stag Test.
Updated~PT2 S T~Area~METR~~~2012-05-24~2014-05-24~~test
PT2~Pt2 Stag Test~~PT2 S... (4 Replies)
In my file, I have '\n' characters inside a single record. Because of this, a single records appears in many lines and looks like multiple records. In the below file.
File 1
Expected output after the \n removed
File 2
=====... (5 Replies)
I'd like to remove (do a pattern or precise replacement - this I can handle in SED using Regex )
---AFTER THE 1ST Occurrence ( i.e. on the 2nd occurrence - from the 2nd to fourth occurance ) of a specific string : type 1
-- After the 1st occurrence of 1 string1 till the 1st occurrence of... (4 Replies)
I have a fixed width file with record length 10.
I need to remove multiple newline characters present in each record.
In the above file I want to remove new lines in red color(\n) but not (\n)
Please provide me a solution.
Sri (1 Reply)
Hi All,
I have 5000 records like this
Request_id|Type|Status|Priority|Ticket Submitted Date and Time|Actual Resolved Date and Time|Current Ticket Owner Group|Case final Ticket Owner Group|Customer Severity|Reported Symptom/Request|Component|Hot Topic|Reason for Missed SLA|Current Ticket... (2 Replies)
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We append the output of a file's size in a file. But a newline character is appended after the variable.
Pls help how to clear this.
filesize=`ls -l test.txt | awk `{print $5}'`
echo File size of test.txt is $filesize bytes >> logfile.txt
The output we got is,
File size of... (4 Replies)
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I have named a file with current date,time and year as follows:
month=`date | awk '{print $2}'`
date=`date | awk '{print $3}'`
year=`date | awk '{print $6}'`
time=`date +%Hh_%Mm_%Ss'`
> $filename
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