Copying updated files

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# 1  
Old 03-09-2012
Copying updated files

I have a directory with source code and want to figure out the files whose content has changed.

Suppose I have two version of development work called hstmy.1.0 and hstmy.1.7. Directory structure are basically the same. However there may be additional files and directories, whose contents have changed (new source codes, bug fixes, etc).

── hstmy.1.0
   ├── baseLib
   ├── bin
   │   ├── awk
   │   ├── ksh
   │   ├── prog
   │   └── tcsh
   ├── fortran
   ├── others
   ├── scripts
   └── source

── hstmy.1.7
   ├── baseLib
   ├── bin
   │   ├── awk
   │   ├── ksh
   │   ├── prog
   │   └── tcsh
   ├── fortran
   ├── others
   ├── scripts
   └── source

I want to know which files differ and copy them to a temporary directory

As example, hstmy.1.0 is as shown below

── hstmy.1.0
    ├── baseLib
   │   ├── common.hh
   │   ├── Complex.hh
   │   ├── CSpInterp1D.hh
   │   ├── CSpInterp2D.hh
   │   ├── Darwin.hh
   │   ├── DFT1.hh
   │   ├── DFT2.hh
   │   ├── dftUtils.hh
   │   ├── DynBaseObj.hh
   │   ├── FPnInterp1D.hh
   │   ├── FPnInterp2D.hh
   │   ├── GenFunc.hh
   │   ├── Interp1D.hh
   │   ├── Interp2D.hh
   │   ├── invers.hh
   │   ├── LinAlg.hh
   │   ├── LinInterp1D.hh
   │   ├── LinInterp2D.hh
   │   ├── List.hh
   │   ├── Matrix.hh
   │   ├── ObjFunc.hh
   │   ├── Optimize.hh
   │   ├── ParseEl.hh
   │   ├── Parsing.hh
   │   ├── Poly1.hh
   │   ├── Poly2.hh
   │   ├── Random.hh
   │   ├── Simplex.hh
   │   ├── Stack.hh
   │   ├── String.hh
   │   ├── Tensor2.hh
   │   ├── Tree.hh
   │   ├── Vect2.hh
   │   ├── Vector.hh
   │   └── Verbose.hh
   ├── bin
   │   ├── awk
   │   │   ├── addNoise-dat.awk
   │   │   ├── addNoise-dat.awk.pdf
   │   │   ├──
   │   │   ├── addNoise-xt.awk
   │   │   ├── awkNotes.txt
   │   │   ├── change-log.awk
   │   │   ├── change-text.awk
   │   │   ├── checkSRDist.awk
   │   │   ├── checkSRDist-dat.awk
   │   │   ├── checkSRDist-ry.awk
   │   │   ├── checkSRDist-xt.awk
   │   │   ├── createAnmly-zc.awk
   │   │   ├── example.awk
   │   │   ├── jcd2zc.awk
   │   │   ├── log2cmd.awk
   │   │   ├── modeli2cmod.awk
   │   │   ├── n02-z30.ry
   │   │   ├── n02-z30.ry.bck
   │   │   ├── n02-z30.xt.bck
   │   │   ├── removeSndSp-zc.awk
   │   │   ├── removeSRDist-dat.awk
   │   │   ├── removeSRDist-ry.awk
   │   │   ├── removeSRDist-xt.awk
   │   │   ├── result
   │   │   ├── test.ry
   │   │   ├── test.ry.bck
   │   │   ├── test.txt
   │   │   ├── test.txt.bck
   │   │   ├── test.xt
   │   │   ├── test.xt.bck
   │   │   ├── timeDistAbs.txt
   │   │   ├── timeDistAbs.txt.bck
   │   │   ├── timeDistAbs.txt.bck.bck
   │   │   ├── xt2dat.awk
   │   │   ├── xt2dat-v2.awk
   │   │   ├── zc2cmd.awk
   │   │   ├── zc2zfc.awk
   │   │   └── zp2pmd.awk
   │   ├── ksh
   │   │   ├── check-srdist.ksh
   │   │   ├── comp-xt.ksh
   │   │   ├── convert-zfc-fcmod.ksh
   │   │   ├── cr-data-tinv.ksh
   │   │   ├── crmisfit.ksh
   │   │   ├── crmodel.ksh
   │   │   ├── hseis-processing.ksh
   │   │   ├── pl-jcd-zc.ksh
   │   │   ├── plmisfit.ksh
   │   │   ├── plmodel.ksh
   │   │   ├── plry.ksh
   │   │   ├── plryxt.ksh
   │   │   ├── plxy.ksh
   │   │   ├── raytrac.ksh
   │   │   ├── rmsrdist.ksh
   │   │   ├── tdarwin.ksh
   │   │   └── tsimplex.ksh
   │   ├── prog
   │   │   ├── getmisf
   │   │   ├── getpdf
   │   │   ├── getvel
   │   │   ├── linint
   │   │   ├── raytrac
   │   │   ├── tdarwin
   │   │   ├── tracepdf
   │   │   └── tsimplex
   │   └── tcsh
   │       ├── browseDir.tcsh
   │       ├── checkSRDist.tcsh
   │       ├── create-data-tinv.tcsh
   │       ├── createDocs.tcsh
   │       ├── createMisfit.tcsh
   │       ├── createModel.tcsh
   │       ├── createTrvt.tcsh
   │       ├── file0p12-22344.txt
   │       ├── file0p12-23234.txt
   │       ├── file0p12-77364.txt
   │       ├── file0p12.txt
   │       ├── file0p12.txt.bck
   │       ├── hseis-processing.tcsh
   │       ├── plotMisfit.tcsh
   │       ├── plotModel.tcsh
   │       ├── plotryxt.tcsh
   │       ├── plotxy.tcsh
   │       ├── printTable.tcsh
   │       ├── raytrac.tcsh
   │       ├── removeFiles.tcsh
   │       ├── removeRays.tcsh
   │       ├── removeSRDist.tcsh
   │       ├── removeText.tcsh
   │       ├── removeTrvt.tcsh
   │       ├── renameFiles.tcsh
   │       ├──
   │       ├── replaceText.tcsh
   │       ├── sortList.tcsh
   │       ├── tcshrc.csh
   │       ├── tdarwin.tcsh
   │       ├── test.tcsh
   │       ├── tsimplex.tcsh
   │       └── zfc2fcmod.tcsh
   ├── fortran
   │   ├── generate_rgaussian
   │   ├── generate_rgaussian.f90
   │   ├── generate_rgaussian.o
   │   ├── hseistools.mod
   │   ├── linint
   │   ├── linint.f90
   │   ├── linint.o
   │   ├── rgaussian.f90
   │   ├── rgaussian.o
   │   ├── split_files_tt.f
   │   └── tt_resid.f
   ├── Makefile
   ├── Makefile.bck
   ├── Makefilediag
   ├── Makefile.old
   ├── others
   │   ├──
   │   ├──
   │   ├──
   │   ├──
   │   ├──
   │   ├──
   │   ├── sac.h
   │   ├── segy.h
   │   ├──
   │   └──
   └── source
       ├── CSpLay.hh
       ├── ElMap.hh
       ├── FPnLay.hh
       ├── Layer.hh
       ├── LayInt.hh
       ├── LayMod.hh
       ├── LinLay.hh
       ├── Map.hh
       ├── ModMisfit.hh
       ├── RayField.hh
       ├── Ray.hh
       ├── Source.hh
       ├── Tomog.hh
       └── VelMod.hh

# 2  
Old 03-09-2012
Hi kristinu,

Some questions:
  1. Omit files that exist in one branch but not in the other one?
  2. Compare both text and binary files?
  3. When found files that differ: copy both or one of them? and if that case, from which branch?
  4. Temporary dir will be plain? I mean, if found a file that differ inside two subdirectories, the script will have to create those subdirectories in the temporary dir or could be enough to copy the file without the tree structure?
  5. Why don't you use a source control system for the job?
# 3  
Old 03-09-2012
There might be a better way to use rsync for this, but this ought to work unless you've been putting spaces in filenames:

rsync -r --list-only a b | # Find changes and list them
        awk '/^[^d]/ { print $5 }' | # Get only filenames
        xargs tar -cf - | # Bundle them up
        tar -C /path/to/destination -xf - # Extract elsewhere

# 4  
Old 03-09-2012
Originally Posted by birei
Hi kristinu,

Some questions:
  1. Omit files that exist in one branch but not in the other one?
  2. Compare both text and binary files?
  3. When found files that differ: copy both or one of them? and if that case, from which branch?
  4. Temporary dir will be plain? I mean, if found a file that differ inside two subdirectories, the script will have to create those subdirectories in the temporary dir or could be enough to copy the file without the tree structure?
  5. Why don't you use a source control system for the job?

I only care about source code changes (.hh, .cc, .awk, .tcsh, .ksh, .f, .F)

I want to just transfer the files without the tree structure to a folder, let's call it updatedcode. Will transfer only from
hstmy.1.7 the files that differ from hstmy.1.0

Yes, my intention is to use svn, but I am only starting on it. In the meantime I have to continue working.

---------- Post updated at 07:31 PM ---------- Previous update was at 07:23 PM ----------

Originally Posted by Corona688
There might be a better way to use rsync for this, but this ought to work unless you've been putting spaces in filenames:

rsync -r --list-only a b | # Find changes and list them
        awk '/^[^d]/ { print $5 }' | # Get only filenames
        xargs tar -cf - | # Bundle them up
        tar -C /path/to/destination -xf - # Extract elsewhere

There are no spaces in file names. I am working from home and work. I just want to transfer the updated files so I can have a look at the work done on the latest version.

I created source1 and source2. They are identical to directory source. I made changes to source2/

However when I did
rsync -r --list-only source source2

I got

drwxr-xr-x        4096 2012/03/09 22:38:03 source
-rw-r--r--       12869 2012/02/08 13:58:30 source/CSpLay.hh
-rw-r--r--        4737 2012/02/08 11:28:26 source/ElMap.hh
-rw-r--r--       18955 2012/02/08 13:58:30 source/FPnLay.hh
-rw-r--r--        4034 2012/02/08 11:29:13 source/
-rw-r--r--        4144 2012/02/08 11:29:48 source/
-rw-r--r--        7442 2012/02/08 11:30:24 source/
-rw-r--r--        6172 2012/02/08 13:58:27 source/LayInt.hh
-rw-r--r--        8250 2012/02/08 13:58:21 source/LayMod.hh
-rw-r--r--       24893 2012/02/08 13:58:26 source/Layer.hh
-rw-r--r--       12864 2012/02/08 13:58:22 source/LinLay.hh
-rw-r--r--       18886 2012/02/08 13:58:22 source/Map.hh
-rw-r--r--       23943 2012/02/08 13:58:23 source/ModMisfit.hh
-rw-r--r--       24137 2012/02/08 13:58:23 source/Ray.hh
-rw-r--r--       25086 2012/02/08 13:58:23 source/RayField.hh
-rw-r--r--       23521 2012/03/07 23:03:04 source/
-rw-r--r--        8052 2012/02/08 11:40:36 source/
-rw-r--r--       10668 2012/02/08 13:58:18 source/Source.hh
-rw-r--r--        2582 2012/02/08 11:41:42 source/
-rw-r--r--       14682 2012/02/07 18:51:24 source/
-rw-r--r--       19959 2012/02/08 13:58:18 source/Tomog.hh
-rw-r--r--        6434 2012/02/08 11:42:53 source/
-rw-r--r--        6617 2012/02/08 11:43:23 source/
-rw-r--r--       11190 2012/02/08 11:04:55 source/
-rw-r--r--       24784 2012/02/08 13:58:14 source/VelMod.hh

rather than just

Last edited by kristinu; 03-09-2012 at 08:47 PM..
# 5  
Old 03-09-2012
Yes, that's what all the awk nonsense is for, to get the proper filename out of it.

It may also be expecting source/* in the destination, as well as the source, in which case a symbolic link would fix it.
# 6  
Old 03-10-2012
I tried it but it saved all the files in the directory test rather than just the one file
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