I found a perfect solution, just in case anyone needs it in the future. It is a free program called UUDeview. There is both a windows version and a Unix version available for download at
http://www.fpx.de/fp/Software/UUDeview/ (I hope I'm allowed to post a link on here, if not....forgive me). It gives you exact instructions on how to install it into Unix. To decode attachments of an email, you simply type the command and the file to be decoded (i.e. the mail spool file). The program will extract and decode all of the attachments, and save them to your directory with the same name as they were sent, Works like a charm!
Not only does it encode files encoded in base64, but it also decodes files encoded in BinHex, uuencoding, and xxencoding. The only setback is that when you send an attachment from yahoo, hotmail, etc, if the attachment is a regular text file or .cpp file, .java, etc, the files are not encoded, so the program does not extract these files because they are not encoded, but I will get around this by simply writing a script to extract the text files myself, and let the program do the rest.
Just figured I would put this info here just in case someone needs it in the future, which is probably very unlikely!