read line and run a different command according to the output

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# 1  
Old 10-04-2011
read line and run a different command according to the output

Hi. I'm trying to write a script that reads a line on a file and runs a different command for a different line output.

For example, if it finds the word "Kuku" on the line it sends mail to Otherwise, it sends mail to


Last edited by vbe; 10-04-2011 at 11:52 AM..
# 2  
Old 10-04-2011
You can build upon this...

cat input_file

while read line
  case $line in
    kuku) echo "Mailing to kuku"
          echo "send me" | mail
    lulu) echo "Mailing to lulu"
          echo "send me" | mail
    *) echo "Oops!"
done < input_file

# 3  
Old 10-04-2011
Thank you, Ahmed.

I forgot to mention that it searches for a specific word on the line and if it finds it it should send mail to e.g. KUKU. Otherwise, it should send mail to e.g LULU.

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