Executing remote server sqlplus

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# 1  
Old 09-30-2011
Executing remote server sqlplus

Hello Guys

I have to compare flat file record to oracle table record count count which are on different servers

I am taking the flat file record count from the server now I am connecting to remote server first and then running sqlplus

But after connecting to remote server the sqlplus command is not executing

ssh -o 'PasswordAuthentication yes' -o 'PreferredAuthentications publickey' -i /home/r141695/.ssh/id_dsa us320
result=`sqlplus -s UID/PWD#2738@Server<<EOF 
set pages 0 feed off;
set feedback off;
#select rcrd_cnt from rptg.r_sb_stg_data_fl_acq_cyc_cntl where srce_id = 1 and data_acq_cyc_cntl_id =$cntl_id and srce_fl_id = $p ;
select dummy from dual;
echo $?
echo $pwd

# 2  
Old 09-30-2011
Where did you set the environment for oracle after you connect with ssh?
# 3  
Old 09-30-2011
The problem is that you're assuming that all commands below ssh will be executed on the remote server. They aren't.

To run a command on a remote server you'll have to invoke it like this:
ssh user@remote 'command'

# 4  
Old 10-03-2011
Hi vbe,
Can you please let me now how to set the environment for oracle to successfully run the command
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