Output of Wc Command

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Output of Wc Command
# 8  
Old 09-28-2011
To vgersh99:
You are right.
wc -l < filename

is better.
# 9  
Old 09-28-2011
A possible caveat depending on how you are using the result: In your shell the output may be a string. Consider this, running dtksh (ksh93) on a Solaris box, noting the spaces surrounding the line count:
$ efs=$(wc -l < getpw)
$ print "[$efs]"
[      45 ]

However, using printf formats the output is as expected:
$ printf "[%s]\n" $efs

To use in your script as an integer, you can convert it using typeset -i:
$ typeset -i efs
$ print "[$efs]"

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