[Perl] Split lines into array - variable line items - variable no of lines.

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# 8  
Old 09-28-2011
Originally Posted by ejdv
...Do not know how to access the array items when I have the desired $company.
You'll need to know the concept of "references" for this.

As for the custom ordering of keys, you could reorder the array @all_comp_products, but that was not its intention in the first place. The array was used so that the companies (and hence their products) could be displayed exactly in the order in which they appear in the data file.

A hash should be a simpler alternative. The algorithm is as follows:

(1) We create a hash %all_comp_products that has the company names as keys.
(2) The values are the array references that point to arrays of products.
(3) A hash called %keyorder has our custom key order for keys of %all_comp_products
(4) We iterate through keys of %all_comp_products sorted as per %keyorder and print company and product values.

Something like this -

$ cat lines.txt
Windows 95,DB2,Oracle,MacBook
MS Excel,Fortran,Siebel,iPod
Zune,Deep Blue,PeopleSoft,Pixar
$ cat -n lines2.pl
     1  #perl -w
     2  use strict;
     3  # ##################################################################################################
     4  #
     5  #  For the data file that looks like this:
     6  #
     7  #  Microsoft,IBM,Oracle,Apple
     8  #  Windows 95,DB2,Oracle,MacBook
     9  #  MS Excel,Fortran,Siebel,iPod
    10  #  XBox,ATM,MySQL,iPad
    11  #  Zune,Deep Blue,PeopleSoft,Pixar
    12  #
    13  #  this Perl program creates a hash %all_comp_products that looks like this:
    14  #
    15  #  $all_comp_products{Microsoft} = [ "Windows 95", "MS Excel", "XBox",  "Zune"       ]
    16  #  $all_comp_products{IBM}       = [ "DB2",        "Fortran",  "ATM",   "Deep Blue"  ]
    17  #  $all_comp_products{Oracle}    = [ "Oracle",     "Siebel",   "MySQL", "PeopleSoft" ]
    18  #  $all_comp_products{Apple}     = [ "MacBook",    "iPod",     "iPad",  "Pixar"      ]
    19  #
    20  # ##################################################################################################
    22  my $file = "lines.txt";
    23  my @company;
    24  my @values;
    25  my %all_comp_products;
    26  my %keyorder;
    28  open (FH, "<", $file) or die "Can't open $file for reading: $!";
    29  while (<FH>) {
    30    chomp;
    31    if (/^Microsoft/) {
    32      @company = split /,/;
    33    } else {
    34      @values = split /,/;
    35      for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#company; $i++) {
    36        push @{$all_comp_products{$company[$i]}}, $values[$i];
    37      }
    38    }
    39  }
    40  close (FH) or die "Can't close $file: $!";
    42  # Our custom key order is as follows -
    43  %keyorder = qw (Oracle 1 Apple 2 IBM 3 Microsoft 4);
    45  # Now, we'll iterate through the hash with custom sorted key order and display the data
    46  foreach my $comp (sort {$keyorder{$a} <=> $keyorder{$b}} keys %all_comp_products ) {
    47    print "Company  : $comp\n";
    48    print "Products :\n";
    49    foreach my $prod (@{$all_comp_products{$comp}}) {
    50      print "           $prod\n";
    51    }
    52    print "=" x 40,"\n";
    53  }
$ perl lines2.pl
Company  : Oracle
Products :
Company  : Apple
Products :
Company  : IBM
Products :
           Deep Blue
Company  : Microsoft
Products :
           Windows 95
           MS Excel

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