Perl - Call a sub routine in a command

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# 1  
Old 09-27-2011
Perl - Call a sub routine in a command

Hi all

I have written a simple perl script that has different options i.e. myscript -l -p etc

i have it so when it runs without any switches it runs a subroutine called nvrm_norm

i want to be able to do a -p option and run

 pall -w -f

and then called the subruotine

pall is another script that i want to use

how can i do this

i tried

`pall -w f "&nvrm_nrom"`

any ideas
# 2  
Old 09-27-2011
Originally Posted by ab52
I have written a simple perl script that has different options i.e. myscript -l -p etc

i have it so when it runs without any switches it runs a subroutine called nvrm_norm

i want to be able to do a -p option and run

 pall -w -f

and then called the subruotine

Not sure if I understand this correctly, but isn't this what you want?

myscript -p
pall -w -f

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