Small Help required for merging two files per line!!!

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# 1  
Old 09-26-2011
Small Help required for merging two files per line!!!

Hi Guys,

Sorry to bother everyone again here, but I ran into a small problem that has been after me for some time now.

I have a file called file1.txt and has following content -

PHP Code:
/folder1/fold/folder   10k
/folder167fold/folder   10MB
/folder2/fold/folder   10G

There is another file called file2.txt and has following content.

PHP Code:
Now I am trying to merge these two into one separate file where it should look like -

PHP Code:
/folder1/fold/folder   10k folder1
/folder167fold/folder   10MB folder5
/folder2/fold/folder   10G test5
So basically, I am just trying to append content of the 2nd file into file 1 at the end of each line.

I can certainly use sed 's/$/ ;FS folder1/' file 2 > output.txt however, it doesn't do the work for me since it can't add recursive content on each line of fil1.

I tried using paste -d ';' file file 2 > output.txt but it's not appending and its actually simply adding file 2 content at the end of file 1 in the final list.

Can someone please suggest me where i can append file 2 data into file1??

I am using a do -while loop as well by trying to read content of each line and then adding it to each line of file1.

Any suggestions or recommendation are of course welcome.

# 2  
Old 09-26-2011
I tried using paste -d ';' file file 2 > output.txt but it's not appending and its actually simply adding file 2 content at the end of file 1 in the final list.
You can (and should) use "paste":
cat file1
/folder1/fold/folder   10k
/folder167fold/folder   10MB
/folder2/fold/folder   10G

cat file2

paste -d';' file1 file2
/folder1/fold/folder   10k;folder1
/folder167fold/folder   10MB;folder5
/folder2/fold/folder   10G;test5

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