Please help. Complicated text file manipulation problem

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Please help. Complicated text file manipulation problem
# 1  
Old 09-23-2011
Data Please help. Complicated text file manipulation problem

Let me try my best to give you a picture of what I'm trying to do. Once again I'm sorry for the essay thats coming up.

I programmed a rather large library of script functions to deal with input, displaying ANSI block graphics, playing sounds, and refining the terminal and so on. I also designed a file format for displaying ANSI block characters in a complete group onto the screen.

The library is completely working. Graphics display properly, I can save a graphics file, and load the image on to terminal. Sound properly plays sequences of notes, etc.

Now here is where my problem arises. I hate designing graphics files for my library. I have to manually type in each ANSI escape code to make an image, and its extremely hard to make an image. So I decided to write an application to edit the ANSI graphic file images.

The program works, I set up the interface and painting works properly. BUT! I need to find a way to save the blocks on the screen into a file. This is what I did so far: I set it so whenever you paint onto the screen, it saves the respective escape code sequence into a file. That works, but the problem is, the escape codes get saved into the file sequentially in a line, so when you load the image, its just a line of colors.

So I'm asking if theres a way to navigate through the file with commands and add text, etc. so I can implement it in my paint program?

Can I for example, use "sed" to navigate around the file and add text, etc.?

Thank you for your time.
# 2  
Old 09-23-2011
Originally Posted by tinman47
Can I for example, use "sed" to navigate around the file and add text, etc.?
Your question is very generic.

Please, be specific displaying a sample input and desired output.
# 3  
Old 09-23-2011
Can I use "sed" to go to a certain column or row in a text file and delete or add text?
# 4  
Old 09-23-2011
Yes you can used sed.

root@bt:/tmp# cat file

#to append/add a line after line 2
root@bt:/tmp# sed '2 a\
ahamed' file


#to insert a line at line#2
root@bt:/tmp# sed '2 i\
ahamed' file


#to delete line#2
root@bt:/tmp# sed '2d' file

#to change line#2 to something else
root@bt:/tmp# sed '2 c\
ahamed' file


etc etc

# 5  
Old 09-23-2011
Wow. Thanks Smilie

Can you be specific on how to move to a column, then to a row with sed?
# 6  
Old 09-23-2011
May be you can help us with giving us more specific details of what you want.

# 7  
Old 09-23-2011
For example, I want to open a text file, move to the 2nd row, 10th column in the file, and put the escape code "\n".
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