Copying lines from one file to another file

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# 1  
Old 09-19-2011
Copying lines from one file to another file

I did a search before posting and couldn't find an example of what I need done. Anyway, I have a file called file1.txt, which has data like this:

57 62 78 94 96 107
53 12 99 23 56 32
61 62 01 92 33 14
File2.txt contains:
53 12
01 88
33 14
So what I need to do is from file1.txt find the first line M977 in file2.txt and replace the line below it with the line from file1.txt. So file2.txt would look like this.

57 62 78 94 96 107
01 88
33 14
I would need to loop though file1.txt and continue though each line. The next pass would fine M998 in file2.txt and change the line below it with the line from file1.txt. Hope this makes sense.
# 2  
Old 09-19-2011
awk 'NR==FNR{x=$0;getline;a[x]=$0;next} 
{if($0 in a){x=$0;print x;print a[x];getline}else{print}}' file1 file2

# 3  
Old 09-19-2011
kent$  awk 'NR==FNR{if(NR%2)getline a[$0]} NR>FNR{if($0 in a){i=$0;print;next;} if(a[i]){$0= a[i];i=0} print $0}' file1.txt file2.txt
57 62 78 94 96 107
01 88
61 62 01 92 33 14

# 4  
Old 09-19-2011
Hey guys, thanks for the reply. sk1418 - looks like yours is working, at least I can see it printing out the correct values. It's just that file2.txt isn't being over written with the new lines. How do you over write file2.txt to contain the new lines?
# 5  
Old 09-19-2011
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