Admin user command usage restrictions

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# 1  
Old 09-16-2011
Admin user command usage restrictions

I need to work on restricting the Linux commands to the ADMIN user to some extent. It means for example, Admin users should not use passwd command to change the password of "root" or other important accounts like oracle, etc.,
So, I want to know which commands should be restricted upto which extent to the Admin user.
The main important commands I want to restrict are below:
passwd, authconfig, shutdown, reboot, ksu, su, killall, mount, umount, poweroff, nice, htpasswd, renice, fdisk, chsh, touch, umask, poweroff, halt...

Need to restrict these in the sudoers file.
plz help me in this....
# 2  
Old 09-16-2011
yes you should use sudoers file for this
# 3  
Old 09-17-2011
Thanks for the response venikathir...
SmilieBut i want to know upto which extent should i restrict the admin user and how to do it in the sudoers file.Smilie
# 4  
Old 09-17-2011
I don't think you can restrict any commands using sudoers. Sudoers is basically used for providing special permissions to run commands for normal users.

# 5  
Old 09-19-2011
Smilie We can restrict the users for not using some of the commands using sudoers file Ahamed101.
But I want to know how to do that and also upto which extent.
# 6  
Old 09-19-2011
sudoers file does not restrict the access of a user.

sudoers file is used to allow users to run some commands as root (depending on what rules are specified in it).
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