[string processing]Adding new line in file

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting [string processing]Adding new line in file
# 8  
Old 09-19-2011
Originally Posted by animesharma
Hey Guys, I am trying to add a new requirement to the query above..
I will explain it with an example:

Original String
.sub efgh
.sub fgh

Edited String : The New line is added only before the line with first .sub statement. Hence even if .sub statement occurs for 100 times, the new line "$new" will be added only before the first .sub statement.
.sub efgh
.sub fgh

Hence.. the requirement is: how can I make the awk statement (as given by Franklin) exit after the occurrence of first .sub statement.
Something like this?
awk -v var=$new '/^.sub/ && !c++{print var ".sub"}1' file > newfile

# 9  
Old 09-19-2011
awk -v var=$new '/^.sub/ && !c++{print var ".sub"}1' file > newfile

Hey Franklin, what does !c++ mean here?
The c++ keywords is giving too many non relevent search on google.


---------- Post updated at 05:20 PM ---------- Previous update was at 05:17 PM ----------

While running your awk line, I am getting following error

c++: Event not found

Since I am not aware of what C++ means here, am not able to troubleshoot it Smilie

---------- Post updated at 05:33 PM ---------- Previous update was at 05:20 PM ----------

Hey done it another way
set cnt = 0
awk -v var="$new" '/^.sub/{if(cnt < 1) print var; cnt++ }1' file1 > file2

Thanks for your help. Smilie
# 10  
Old 09-19-2011
!c++ means if c==0 (the 1st match, before the increment of the variable c) so this may work on your system:
awk -v var="123" '/^.sub/ && c++==0{print var ".sub"}1' file > newfile

This User Gave Thanks to Franklin52 For This Post:
# 11  
Old 09-21-2011
Thank You franklin, that was informative Smilie

---------- Post updated 09-21-11 at 03:46 PM ---------- Previous update was 09-20-11 at 04:37 PM ----------

Have one more query about above solution..

We needed to print ,say "123" a line before occurrence of .sub. How is your code doing the same? Which part of the awk line means "print before .sub".
I need to understand the logic behind it.

Also, how will it change. if say i have to print the same "123" after the ".sub"
I need to understand the logic behind it.

# 12  
Old 09-21-2011
Originally Posted by animesharma
Thank You franklin, that was informative Smilie

---------- Post updated 09-21-11 at 03:46 PM ---------- Previous update was 09-20-11 at 04:37 PM ----------

Have one more query about above solution..

We needed to print ,say "123" a line before occurrence of .sub. How is your code doing the same? Which part of the awk line means "print before .sub".
I need to understand the logic behind it.

Also, how will it change. if say i have to print the same "123" after the ".sub"
I need to understand the logic behind it.

Print "123" a line before ".sub":
awk -v var="123" '/^.sub/ && c++==0{print var}1' file > newfile

Print "123" a line after ".sub":
awk -v var="123" '/^.sub/ && c++==0{print $0 RS var; next}1' file > newfile

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