grepping by digit

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting grepping by digit
# 1  
Old 09-14-2011
grepping by digit

Hi all,

Need your help here. I have a file with thousand of lines, as shown in example below

KDKJAA        98324
OIDSAJ        324
KJAJAK        100
KJKAJK        89
JOIJOI        21
JDKDJL        12
UOIUOD        10
UDUYDS        8
UIUHKK        6

I would like to grep using digit according to groups, for example

group 1

from 6 to 10
desirable output will be

UOIUOD        10
UDUYDS        8
UIUHKK        6

group 2

from 11 100

desirable output will be

KJAJAK        100
KJKAJK        89
JOIJOI        21
JDKDJL        12

group 3

101 and above

desirable output will be


KDKJAA        98324
OIDSAJ        324

I've tried to use grep -w [a-b][a-b] infile (which a and b is any digit), but i cant grep those line that I want which have different combination of digit,
for example in the group 1 (6 - 10) which have single and double digit. Any help I appreciate it

thanks in advance

# 2  
Old 09-14-2011
It might be easier using something like this for group 2 for example:
$> awk '$2 >= 11 && $2 <= 100' infile
KJAJAK        100
KJKAJK        89
JOIJOI        21
JDKDJL        12

This User Gave Thanks to zaxxon For This Post:
# 3  
Old 09-14-2011
awk '$2>=6&&$2<=10' file
awk '$2>=11&&$2<=100' file
awk '$2>=101' file

This User Gave Thanks to bartus11 For This Post:
# 4  
Old 09-14-2011
$ nawk '{ if($2<10){print $0 > "1.txt"}else{if($2<100){print $0 >"2.txt"}else{print $0 > "3.txt"}}}' test

$ cat 1.txt
UDUYDS        8
UIUHKK        6

$ cat 2.txt
KJKAJK        89
JOIJOI        21
JDKDJL        12
UOIUOD        10

$ cat 3.txt
A        98324
OIDSAJ        324
KJAJAK        100

This User Gave Thanks to itkamaraj For This Post:
# 5  
Old 09-14-2011
perl -ne '/(\d+)/; if ( $1 >= 6 && $1 <= 10 ){print}' temp.txt
perl -ne '/(\d+)/; if ( $1 >= 11 && $1 <= 100 ){print}' temp.txt
perl -ne '/(\d+)/; if ( $1 >= 101 ){print}' temp.txt

This User Gave Thanks to k_manimuthu For This Post:
# 6  
Old 09-14-2011

Thank you all,

All suggestion is working Smilie , now I got prob, to select which method is the easiest Smilie.

Thanks again
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