averaging columns

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# 1  
Old 09-02-2011
averaging columns


I have a file that has 201 columns (1 for the name of each row and the other 200 are values)

I want to print the average for each column

the file looks like this (as an example this only has 7 columns with values)

     1  2  3  4  5  6  7
abr  5  6  7  1  2  4  5
hhr  2  1  3  4  2  1  2
iip   1  3  1  1  5  3  2

I want to just print the average of each column while ignoring the first column and first row.

4  5  5.5  3  4.5  4  4.5

# 2  
Old 09-02-2011
Originally Posted by kylle345
     1  2  3  4  5  6  7
abr  5  6  7  1  2  4  5
hhr  2  1  3  4  2  1  2
iip   1  3  1  1  5  3  2

I want to just print the average of each column while ignoring the first column and first row.
$ cat data.txt
     1  2  3  4  5  6  7
abr  5  6  7  1  2  4  5
hhr  2  1  3  4  2  1  2
iip  1  3  1  1  5  3  2
$ perl -lane 'if ($. > 1) {
                foreach $i (1..$#F) { push @{$x{$i}}, $F[$i] }}
              END {
                foreach $k (sort keys %x) {
                  $sum += $_ foreach @{$x{$k}};
                  $str .= sprintf("%.4f ", $sum/$n);
                  $sum = 0;
              print $str}
             ' data.txt
2.6667 3.3333 3.6667 2.0000 3.0000 2.6667 3.0000

# 3  
Old 09-02-2011
In awk:

lines=`cat data.txt | wc -l`  #corrected, thanks to itkamaraj
for i in $(seq 2 201); do
 awk -v c=$i -v l=$lines 'NR>1 {s+=$c}; END {printf ("%f ", s/l)}' data.txt

and maybe even simplier Smilie without calculating lines before
for i in $(seq 2 201); do
 awk -v c=$i 'NR>1 {s+=$c;l+=1}; END {printf ("%f ", s/l)}' data.txt

Last edited by sulti; 09-02-2011 at 03:35 AM..
# 4  
Old 09-02-2011

lines=`echo data.txt | wc -l`

# 5  
Old 09-02-2011
Originally Posted by itkamaraj

lines=`echo data.txt | wc -l`

Sorry, my bad Smilie didn't drink my morning coffee Smilie
I meant
lines=`cat data.txt | wc -l`

but then I've added simplier solution.
# 6  
Old 09-02-2011
And one more thing, you dont want to use the cat command here.

this is called as useless use of cat Smilie http://partmaps.org/era/unix/award.html

wc -l < data.txt
wc -l data.txt

# 7  
Old 09-02-2011
I have to disagree Smilie
$ wc -l test
4 test
$ cat test | wc -l

That's why I used cat.
$ a=`wc -l test`
$ [ $a -gt 0 ] && echo Works
bash: [: Too many arguments

Ok, I noticed that wc -l < data.txt actualy would work. But wc -l data.txt would not. Smilie
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