/tmp filling up

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# 1  
Old 08-31-2011
Network /tmp filling up

Does anyone know of a way to redirect the ksh default of processing data in /tmp to another file system or / something else?

My ksh script is parsing large DB files and it keeps filling up /tmp on the root disk.
I have a 1 Tb disk with most of its space.

How do I re-direct the /tmp ksh processes to that 1 Tb disk?
# 2  
Old 08-31-2011
exporting TMPDIR=/path/to/whatever/ in the script or in a profile the script loads, before running the tmp-intensive processes, may do it.

If that doesn't work, it depends on what your system is, what your script is, and what program's creating these temp files.
# 3  
Old 08-31-2011
its awk / gawk and sed that are doing it. Do you know how to redirect the output.
For instance sort -T wil redirect soreting out of /vat/tmp.
But i do not see anything in awk's man page like that.

I will try your method as soon as I can.

Thanks for the idea
# 4  
Old 08-31-2011
Originally Posted by cchelten
its awk / gawk and sed that are doing it.
I wasn't aware of awk/sed creating and using temp files on their own. Sort obviously needs a temp dir, but awk/sed hold data in memory. So it's probably the script that's redirecting their data into temporary files, not awk/sed themselves; options or environment vars fed into them would have no effect, the script decides where they go.

And unless they were extremely thoughtful in building that script, it might not obey TMPDIR.

Can we see the script?
# 5  
Old 08-31-2011
It looks like it doesn't use much ram or swap (running topas).
Is there a way to attach the script. I would be happy to show you.
Its pretty big.

---------- Post updated at 02:47 PM ---------- Previous update was at 02:44 PM ----------

Here's the main part that is causing the /tmp to fill.
/tmp is : AIX 6.1 obviously since i referenced topas

/dev/hd3        2048.00   2043.71    1%       16     1% /tmp

set -x
rm -f ./*.out
#find duplicate lines field 2#
for i in /data/$var/tests/*.txt
dups ()
awk '/^01/ || /^05/ {if (i[$2]) { mf[$2]++; print $0; if (mf[$2] == 1) { print i[$2] } } i[$2] = $0}' |sort -k
2,2 -k 1,1

prse ()
sed -e 's%0\\\\\\%\:%g' |tr ':' '\n' | gawk -F'\' '$1==01{print $1,$4,$6,$2} $1==05{print $1,$4,$9}' $LIST
dups | prse | grep -vi "eprprde|mtm|$var" |  while read aa bb cc dd
echo $dd >> ./check1.out
if [ $COUNT -eq 0 ]

if [ $bb = $rg ]

                        if [ $aa -eq $kg ]
                        fld=`echo $dd | awk -F'^' '{print $2}' | awk -F'=' '{print $1}'`
                        dte=`echo $bb | cut -c11`
                        print Date/Time >> $out
                        print $dte >> $out
                        print $kg $bb $jg >> $out
                        print $aa $rg $fld >> $out
                        echo >> $out

---------- Post updated at 04:16 PM ---------- Previous update was at 02:47 PM ----------

the TMPDIR thing did not work by the way, good try though.

Last edited by pludi; 08-31-2011 at 08:56 PM..
# 6  
Old 08-31-2011
I see a sort -k in there. That could be doing it, and you know how to redirect that.
# 7  
Old 08-31-2011
I will try it and let you know.I forgot i had that sort in there, Age is catching up wit me.
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