Need help in loop script

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Need help in loop script
# 8  
Old 09-01-2011
Thanks now it is working fine.

Just to know can I make this script to work like this.

I need to create multiple Meta with different combination like 3 4,8 1,2 4 buy using the same file. Any help on this
# 9  
Old 12-22-2011

rm /opt/emc/scripts/bin/noport-devs

let x=0
let y=0
let count=$1
let size=$2

symdev -sid 780 list -noport -raid5 | grep RAID-5 | grep -v -i "(m)" | awk '{print $1}' >> /opt/emc/scripts/bin/noport-devs

for dev in `cat /opt/emc/scripts/bin/noport-devs`
if [[ "$dev" > "$start" ]]
if [ y -eq $count ]
if [ x -eq 0 ]
if [ $first -eq 0 ]
echo "map dev $head to dir 0:0 LUN=00;"
echo "map dev $head to dir 0:0 LUN=00;"
echo "form meta from dev $dev config=striped stripe_size=1920;"
echo "add dev $dev to meta $head;"

let x=x+1
if [ x -eq $size ]
let x=0
let y=y+1

if [ $first -eq 0 ]
echo "map dev $head to dir 0:0 LUN=00;"
echo "map dev $head to dir 0:0 LUN=00;"
Output for this above script is
root@n75 # ./test-meta-780.ksh 1 3
form meta from dev 0600 config=striped stripe_size=1920;
add dev 0747 to meta 0600;
add dev 0772 to meta 0600;
map dev 0600 to dir 0:0 LUN=00;
map dev 0600 to dir 0:0 LUN=00;
Now need to create multiple Meta with different combination like 3 4,8 1,2 4 buy using the same file. Any help on this
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