break the string and print it in a new line after a specific word

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting break the string and print it in a new line after a specific word
# 1  
Old 08-28-2011
Question break the string and print it in a new line after a specific word

Hi Gurus
I am new to this forum.. I am using HP Unix OS.

I have one single string in input file as shown below
Abc123 | cde | fgh | ghik| lmno | Abc456 |one |two |three | four | Abc789 | five | Six | seven | eight | Abc098 | ........

I want to achive the result in a output file as shown below
Abc123 | cde | fgh | ghik| lmno 
Abc456 |one |two |three | four 
Abc789 | five | Six | seven | eight 
Abc098 | ........

I used the command shown below
cat input.txt | sed 's/PC/~PC/g' | tr -s '~' '\n' | sed '/^$/d' | sed 's/ *$//' > output.txt

it works in Sun Solaris, but not working in HP Unix(the output file is coming blank Smilie) not sure whether i am doing anything wrong

Any help is greatly appreciated


Last edited by Franklin52; 08-28-2011 at 09:20 AM.. Reason: Please use code tags for data and code samples, thank you
# 2  
Old 08-28-2011
try this:

echo "Abc123 | cde | fgh | ghik| lmno | Abc456 |one |two |three | four | Abc789 | five | Six | seven | eight" |fold -s -w 34


echo "Abc123 | cde | fgh | ghik| lmno | Abc456 |one |two |three | four | Abc789 | five | Six | seven | eight" | awk -F"|" 'BEGIN{ORS=""} {for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) {if((i%5)!=0) {print $i"|"}else {print $i"\n"}}}'

Last edited by dude2cool; 08-28-2011 at 02:13 AM..
# 3  
Old 08-28-2011
echo 'Abc123 | cde | fgh | ghik| lmno | Abc456 |one |two |three |'\
' four | Abc789 | five | Six | seven | eight | Abc098 | ....' |     
perl -lpe 's{\|}{++$i % 5 ? "|" : "\n"}eg; s/^ *//mg'
Abc123 | cde | fgh | ghik| lmno 
Abc456 |one |two |three | four 
Abc789 | five | Six | seven | eight 
Abc098 | ....

# 4  
Old 08-28-2011
$ echo $string | awk '{gsub(/\|[ \t]*Abc/,"\nAbc");}1'

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