script to parse text file into sql commands

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# 1  
Old 08-26-2011
script to parse text file into sql commands

Hello all, I tried searching for something similiar before posting but couldn't come up with anything that fit what I need.

In Linux, I'm trying to parse through a number of files and take the info in them and put it into mysql. My file is a dump from an expect script:

---filename 17da------
spawn ssh Sys@17da list -l 2 ^M
system> list -l 2 ^M^M
        blade[1]  H27995BLD^M^M
        blade[2]  H27995TST^M^M
        blade[3]  H2LABBUSMED01^M^M
        blade[4]  H2LABBUSMED02^M^M
        blade[5]  QARWDK^M^M
        blade[6]  QARWFK^M^M
        blade[7]  QARWFW^M^M
        blade[8]  QARWDP^M^M
        blade[9]  QARWDD^M^M
        blade[10]  QARWDN^M^M
        blade[11]  H2ABLE01^M^M
        blade[12]  H2ABLE02^M^M
        blade[13]  H2ABLE03^M^M
        blade[14]  H2ABLE04^M^M
        mm[1]     primary^M^M

I need to get the blade info and put it into mysql. I need the output for all blade lines to be in the folloring format:

insert into blades (chassis,blade,hostname) values ('17da','1','H27995BLD')

The chassis name is the name of the file, and also in the spawn line. Currently, I'm just getting the filename and using that for anything I'm trying.

Thanks in advance for any help.
# 2  
Old 08-26-2011
# 3  
Old 08-26-2011
Originally Posted by hamanjam
...My file is a dump from an expect script:
---filename 17da------
spawn ssh Sys@17da list -l 2 ^M
system> list -l 2 ^M^M
        blade[1]  H27995BLD^M^M
        blade[2]  H27995TST^M^M
        blade[3]  H2LABBUSMED01^M^M
        blade[4]  H2LABBUSMED02^M^M
        blade[5]  QARWDK^M^M
        blade[6]  QARWFK^M^M
        blade[7]  QARWFW^M^M
        blade[8]  QARWDP^M^M
        blade[9]  QARWDD^M^M
        blade[10]  QARWDN^M^M
        blade[11]  H2ABLE01^M^M
        blade[12]  H2ABLE02^M^M
        blade[13]  H2ABLE03^M^M
        blade[14]  H2ABLE04^M^M
        mm[1]     primary^M^M

I need to get the blade info and put it into mysql. I need the output for all blade lines to be in the folloring format:

insert into blades (chassis,blade,hostname) values ('17da','1','H27995BLD')

The chassis name is the name of the file, and also in the spawn line.
Not sure why you have so many "^M" characters over there.
Are they present in your text file "17da", or did they show up when you copied your text from your file to your posted question ?

In any case, you may want to fix your Expect script or ftp process so that the "^M" characters are absent from your text file. (Try "dos2unix" or its equivalent command on your system to fix those characters.)

So if your text file looks like the following:

$ cat 17da
spawn ssh Sys@17da list -l 2

system> list -l 2
        blade[1]  H27995BLD
        blade[2]  H27995TST
        blade[3]  H2LABBUSMED01
        blade[4]  H2LABBUSMED02
        blade[5]  QARWDK
        blade[6]  QARWFK
        blade[7]  QARWFW
        blade[8]  QARWDP
        blade[9]  QARWDD
        blade[10]  QARWDN
        blade[11]  H2ABLE01
        blade[12]  H2ABLE02
        blade[13]  H2ABLE03
        blade[14]  H2ABLE04
        mm[1]     primary

then you could run a Perl one-liner to generate the INSERT statements, like this:

$ perl -lne "if (/^spawn.*?\@(\w+).*$/) {\$chassis = \$1}
             elsif (/^\s+blade\[(\d+)\]\s+(.*)$/) {print \"insert into blades (chassis,blade,hostname) values ('\$chassis', '\$1', '\$2');\"}
            " 17da
insert into blades (chassis,blade,hostname) values ('17da', '1', 'H27995BLD');
insert into blades (chassis,blade,hostname) values ('17da', '2', 'H27995TST');
insert into blades (chassis,blade,hostname) values ('17da', '3', 'H2LABBUSMED01');
insert into blades (chassis,blade,hostname) values ('17da', '4', 'H2LABBUSMED02');
insert into blades (chassis,blade,hostname) values ('17da', '5', 'QARWDK');
insert into blades (chassis,blade,hostname) values ('17da', '6', 'QARWFK');
insert into blades (chassis,blade,hostname) values ('17da', '7', 'QARWFW');
insert into blades (chassis,blade,hostname) values ('17da', '8', 'QARWDP');
insert into blades (chassis,blade,hostname) values ('17da', '9', 'QARWDD');
insert into blades (chassis,blade,hostname) values ('17da', '10', 'QARWDN');
insert into blades (chassis,blade,hostname) values ('17da', '11', 'H2ABLE01');
insert into blades (chassis,blade,hostname) values ('17da', '12', 'H2ABLE02');
insert into blades (chassis,blade,hostname) values ('17da', '13', 'H2ABLE03');
insert into blades (chassis,blade,hostname) values ('17da', '14', 'H2ABLE04');

# 4  
Old 08-29-2011
The ^M are in the file, but I think it has to do something with how expect outputs the data. I just run it through dos2unix and it's clean.

Thanks so much fo rthe perl, I've been trying many different ways to parse, but it kept ending up with 4 different parsing operations on each line.
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