XML- Sed || Awk Bash script... Help!

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting XML- Sed || Awk Bash script... Help!
# 8  
Old 08-28-2011
Hi sk1418 thanks for your help !, I'm having a problem with the script , when I run this into all the xml file , when it found some word with an x into the words for eg <success_ratio_tx>1.0</success_ratio_tx> it change the value too and the result is this <x>30.7032</x> ... It was my fault because I didn't tell you all my xml file, is there a way that awk just take the exactly <x>..</x> tags ?

Thanks Again for your time , and sorry to be so newbie in this.Smilie
# 9  
Old 08-28-2011
Originally Posted by juampal
Hi sk1418 thanks for your help !, I'm having a problem with the script , when I run this into all the xml file , when it found some word with an x into the words for eg <success_ratio_tx>1.0</success_ratio_tx> it change the value too and the result is this <x>30.7032</x> ... It was my fault because I didn't tell you all my xml file, is there a way that awk just take the exactly <x>..</x> tags ?

Thanks Again for your time , and sorry to be so newbie in this.Smilie
awk '/<x>/{srand(NR);v=rand()*50+1;printf  "<x>%.13f</x>\n",v};!/<x>/'

This User Gave Thanks to sk1418 For This Post:
# 10  
Old 08-28-2011
Thanks man ! , Now it's working ok . I really appreciate your time helping me in this work !.
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