Asking username and password in the middle of the Shell/perl script

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# 1  
Old 08-25-2011
Asking username and password in the middle of the Shell/perl script

Can any body help me to find out the logic
I have a script Which give some output
component1 userid: u1
component2 userid: u2
component3 userid: u1
#The no of components are different in different times run
Now I want this script in another script

I want to check all component are running or not
But the problem is that this component are in different different userid So I want to login to different userid separately and check components individually

So I want to put a logic in
which take all userid as argument and ask for password

So that I will check all the component at a time
# 2  
Old 08-25-2011
see if this work

while read one two user
        echo "please enter passwd for $user "
        done <sample

please enter passwd for u1
please enter passwd for u2
please enter passwd for u1

where sample is output from ur previous script
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