Sending zip file as attachments in perl

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# 1  
Old 08-05-2011
Error Sending zip file as attachments in perl

Hi All,

i have a code, where that script is sending mail to the users, but i want to enhance
it, i.e i need to add attachment(zip file) to that, i dont want to use MIME:LITE module or any other module, with this simple code, i need to enhance.

below is my code
my %mail_params = (HTML    => $mail_body,
                       Text    => $mail_body,
                       From    => $MAIL_FROM,
                       To      => $MAIL_TO,
                       Subject => $mail_subject,);

    $mail_params{HTML} = "<HTML><pre>$mail_params{Text}<\><\\HTML>";
    my $mail = HTML::Mail->new(%mail_params);


I dont want to use any modules, like MIME, sendmailer .....

# 2  
Old 08-08-2011
Hi ,

Anyone who can post some solution for this ????


---------- Post updated at 06:36 AM ---------- Previous update was at 06:31 AM ----------


Any solution, using simple mail in perl with attachment, please let me know.

# 3  
Old 08-08-2011

Why don't you want to use any module?

# 4  
Old 08-08-2011
Hi Birei,

i want to share this script which mails with attachments to end-users. where they done know about installations and modules, just they'll execute the script. that's y i dont want to install any module in customer system, simple mail with zip file attachment i need.

# 5  
Old 08-10-2011
Hi All,

I came to know that i can use mutt command, to send mails with attachments, in shell i can send, and when i execute
`mutt -a <file_name> < /dev/null`

in command line, i received mail with attachment, so i used this command in perl script using back quotes ` . i'm not able to execute properly. i'm getting an error as when i used mutt in perl script.

Error sending message, child exited 67 (User unknown.).

Can anyone let me know how to send attachment in perl without using any modules,


Last edited by asak; 08-10-2011 at 03:47 AM..
# 6  
Old 08-10-2011
can u just try system command instead of using ` back quotes.
# 7  
Old 08-11-2011
HI Latika,

i tried using system command with ` quotes. i got same error.
Error sending message, child exited 67 (User unknown.).

Below is my standalone script to send file(filer.txt)

$email = "";
#$a = `sudo echo | mutt -a $LOGDIR < /dev/null`;
system (`mutt -a $LOGDIR < /dev/null`);
#system ("sh mutt -a $LOGDIR < /dev/null");
#my $cmd = "echo mutt -a $LOGDIR < /dev/null";
#my $check_ps = `$cmd`;

is there are any other way to send mail with attachments, without installing modules.

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