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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Doubt
# 1  
Old 08-04-2011


I have a file with multiple entries and I have calculated the percentages. Now I want to know how many of my entries are there between 1-10% 11-20% and so on..

chr1_14401_14450    0.211954217888936
chr1_14451_14500   1.90758796100042
chr1_14501_14550   4.02713013988978
chr1_14551_14600   6.14667231877914
chr1_14601_14650   8.2662144976685
chr1_14651_14700   10.3857566765579
chr1_14701_14750   12.5052988554472
chr1_14751_14800   14.6248410343366
chr1_14801_14850   16.7443832132259
chr1_14851_14900   18.8639253921153

My percentages are in double,so it needs to be rounded off to the nearest and then accordingly calculate. How can I do this in awk?


0-10 5
11-20 5
21-30 0
31-40 0

so on until
90-100% 0

# 2  
Old 08-04-2011

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