sed with line break

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# 1  
Old 07-27-2011
sed with line break


and I tried to
sed 's/<td>\/nCIS\/n<\/td>/<td><\/td>'

sed 's/<td>\/rCIS\/r<\/td>/<td><\/td>'

, but no joy. This is an html page that I need to clean.
# 2  
Old 07-27-2011
If you want to remove the "CIS" after a "<td>":
sed '/<td>/n;/^CIS$/d' Input_File

# 3  
Old 07-27-2011
Originally Posted by Shell_Life
If you want to remove the "CIS" after a "<td>":
sed '/<td>/n;/^CIS$/d' Input_File

That will remove every line that matches /^CIS$/ even when it does not follow a /<td>/. It's equivalent to the simpler sed '/^CIS$/d'

# 4  
Old 07-27-2011
Do you have to clean everything between <td> and </td> tags, or just if it is "CIS" in between them?
# 5  
Old 07-27-2011
Here is the right "sed" solution:
sed '/<td>/{n;/^CIS$/d;}' Input_File

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