how to remove leading directory from line in filename?

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting how to remove leading directory from line in filename?
# 1  
Old 07-22-2011
how to remove leading directory from line in filename?

i have a process that receives files similar to below. these are files obviously generated on a windows machine that are submitted to a linux cluster. the one thing they have in common is the leading c:\any-number-of-leading-dirs\ is there a way to re-create/modify the file to remove all occurrences of "c:\dir\dir\" while keeping mind that there could be any number of leading dirs before the filename? essentially the cluster will act on these files in the current directory so it really only needs the filename. hope this made sense...

DoCommand(WS1.FEInput1, ClearFiles)
DoCommand(WS1.FEInput1, AddFiles, "c:\NIKHIL\uscar_sprz1\uscar_spr.odb;afe")
DoCommand(WS1.TSInput1, ClearFiles)
DoCommand(WS1.TSInput1, AddFiles, "c:\NIKHIL\uscar_sprz1\uscar_data_fromGM_out3-17-2011.rsp;ats")

# 2  
Old 07-22-2011
What is desired output for that sample data?
# 3  
Old 07-22-2011
i wish the file to look like this:

DoCommand(WS1.FEInput1, ClearFiles)
DoCommand(WS1.FEInput1, AddFiles, "uscar_spr.odb;afe")
DoCommand(WS1.TSInput1, ClearFiles)
DoCommand(WS1.TSInput1, AddFiles, "uscar_data_fromGM_out3-17-2011.rsp;ats")

is that what you're asking?
# 4  
Old 07-22-2011
awk -F\" -vOFS=\" '{sub(".*\\\\","",$2)}1' file

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