awk array problem

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# 15  
Old 12-06-2011
got program working but it fails with output.txt file >1m lines

Hi corona,

I finally muddled through the code and modified to doing everything I needed.
So, I suppose I should say, thanks for teaching me something about awk -the hard waySmilie

however I now have a problem which I think may be due to gawk on win (32bit win xp).

when the file output.txt is over 1 million lines, the thing crashes. Would it make any difference if I used Linux?


ps. Is it the electrically charged plasma or the beer?
# 16  
Old 12-06-2011
Good, I'd hoped to give you an outline you or someone else could modify how you pleased. I just couldn't keep up with your constantly increasing requirements. Smilie I'd hoped someone else would help, but it looks like they left it all to me Smilie

I don't know why it's crashing. Unless it runs out of memory -- unlikely -- it just shouldn't crash. Running it in linux may help but your datafiles will all be Windows text and need conversion (strip out carriage returns)

tr -d '\r' < wingarbage.txt > normaltext.txt

---------- Post updated at 09:13 AM ---------- Previous update was at 09:07 AM ----------

You could also try the awk from busybox.exe

it's a multiple executable with lots of programs inside. To get awk you do 'busybox.exe awk ...'
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