Weird requirement using egrep

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# 8  
Old 07-21-2011
Since there is only one line in the file, grep outputs only once though you give multiple patterns to be searched. Even if you have the same line twice in the file, grep matches the first pattern and ignores the 2nd pattern as your giving the OR condition 'x.*|y.*'. And IMO i dont think even Sed or AWK would do the job since they output based on the input line they read. If you still need such output then Smilie
grep -o 'y.*' inputfile; grep -o 'x.*' inputfile

# 9  
Old 07-21-2011
bash-3.00$ ./test.ksh 

bash-3.00$ cat test
ABCDE (x,y,z,abc)

bash-3.00$ cat test.ksh
nawk ' /x/ {print substr($0,index($0,"x"),length($0))} /y/ {print substr($0,index($0,"y"),length($0))}' test

# 10  
Old 07-21-2011
Thanks for the solution
but x and y are dynamic it could have more values.
Basically 'x.*|y.*' is an argument to the script.
Tomorrow it could be 'x.*|y.*|z.*'
Hope you are getting my requirement.
# 11  
Old 07-21-2011
sed -n 'h; s/^.*\(x.*\).*$/\1/p; x; s/^.*\(y.*\).*$/\1/p' INPUTFILE

You don't need ".*$" for yours patterns but it's a more common solution.

sed -n 'h; s/^.*\(x.*\).*$/\1/p; g; s/^.*\(y.*\).*$/\1/p' INPUTFILE

g works for more than two patterns:
h; s/.../.../p; g; s...; g; s... ; ...

Last edited by yazu; 07-21-2011 at 05:23 AM.. Reason: better
# 12  
Old 07-21-2011
However..just a try but not a robust solution
sed -e  's/.*\(x.*\)/\1/p' -e 's/.*\(y.*\)/\1/' inputfile

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