List files only when a certain number of files match

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# 1  
Old 07-20-2011
List files only when a certain number of files match

I have many files named CCR20110720011001.CTRD
i put the part of date in variable (DATE=20110720)

NB : Red=date, Green=hour, blue=minute

and i want to do somthing like that :

while [ $i -lt 10 ]
nb=`ls -l *$(DATE)0$i`
    if [ $nb -lt 12 ]
         ls -l *$(DATE)0$i
i=`expr $i + 1`

objective : list all the hours wich contains a numbre of file less then 12

this part doesn't works : nb=`ls -l *$(DATE)0$i`
the script list all the files !! it don't understand $(DATE)0$i

Please if sombody can Help me.
# 2  
Old 07-20-2011

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# 3  
Old 07-20-2011
$DATE isn't defined in that part of the code. If all are listed, that will not be necessarily wrong, if I understood it correct, since all green numbers of your example are less than 12.

$> ls -1
$> ls *CTRD| grep .*0[1-9]....\.CTRD

# 4  
Old 07-20-2011
My bad, I just did only 1-10, not 1-12, so here you go:

ls *CTRD| grep -E ".*(0[1-9]|1[0-1])....\.CTRD"

# 5  
Old 07-20-2011
thanks zaxxon for your quick answer.
i going to explain more to understand me well
we receive 12 file in the hour.
i want to list just the files from the 01 hour to 10 which the number of this files less than 12. i'm interested just by the first 10 hours.

# 6  
Old 07-20-2011
I am still not sure, sorry.

What I understood:
  • You get 12 files per hour.
  • You only want to list files that came from hour 01 to 10.

What I do not understand is:
which the number of this files less than 12
So the 12 files per hour is fix and if there is 1 or more less than 12, in other words there is missing some of them, you want to see those, that have arrived, right?
# 7  
Old 07-20-2011
Yu could try this:

Where i have a text file called hours.txt with:


This line:
sed 's/^[A-Z]..........\(0[1-9]\|1[0]\).*/\1/g' hours.txt |sed '/^C.*/d'| awk '{gsub(/CCR20110720/,"",$1); gsub(/.....CTRD/,"",$1); print}' hours.txt | sort |uniq -c |awk 'BEGIN { print "OCURRENCES  HOUR"; print "----  -----"} { if ($1 < 5 && $2 <= 10){ print $1 "\t"$2 }}'

Output is:
----  -----
3       01
3       02
1       10

Am sure there's a shorter way Smilie

Last edited by maskofzorro; 07-20-2011 at 12:06 PM..
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