Search for a multi-line strings in a file

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# 1  
Old 07-18-2011
Search for a multi-line strings in a file

I need to search for a mult-line strngs(with spaces in between and qoted) in a file1 and replace that text with Fixed string globally in file1. The strng to search for is in file2.

The file is big with some 20K records. so speed and effciency is required

file1: (where srch & rplc will happen) e;g lets say 5 lines in file are;

Thebare book_names='Unix1 Best' and then editor_ranks='Honsun' where live.
Science is another Line_no1='Number Whole' and look for ppl and data
Lets have person='Noro' and past Noro and Unix1
This is nothing to do
Next line is Honsun

file2Smiliestring to be srched)

I need to replce all these strgs value with XXX. Also need to replace all occurances of these values globaly in file.

Expetd file:
Thebare book_names=XXX and then editor_ranks=XXX where live.
Science is another Line_no1=XXX and look for ppl and data
Lets have person=XXX and past XXX and XXX
This is nothing to do
Next line is XXX

Any ideas? Need urgnt help
# 2  
Old 07-18-2011
Try the following shell scrpit

sed -e "s:^:s/\\(:" -e "s:$:=\\)'[^']*'/\\1XXX/g:" file2 > file3
sed -f file3 file1 > Expected_file

# 3  
Old 07-18-2011
Try this,
undef $/;
open(FH1,"<","file1") or die "canot open file 1\n";
open(FH2,"<","file2")  or die "canot open file 2\n";
while(<FH2>) {
        $data=~s/$_='(.+?)'\s/$_=XXX /g;
print $data;


# 4  
Old 07-18-2011
Thanks Pravinn for the reply...
But the script is not running properly..

i invoked it with perl

but not working.i have checked the perl installed on my machine and its okay. pls help

---------- Post updated at 06:41 AM ---------- Previous update was at 06:38 AM ----------

Originally Posted by 116@434
Try the following shell scrpit

sed -e "s:^:s/\\(:" -e "s:$:=\\)'[^']*'/\\1XXX/g:" file2 > file3
sed -f file3 file1 > Expected_file

Thanks for quick reply, I tried running this script but giving teh below error:

sed: -e expression #2, char 26: invalid reference \1 on `s' command's RHS

File1 is the input file to be replaced
File2 has the list of strings to be searched.

pls let me know what is File 3 in the sed script u provided.

# 5  
Old 07-18-2011

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# 6  
Old 07-19-2011
Write following lines in a file say sed.script:


Then invoke the following in a shell script:

sed -f sed.script  file2 > file3
sed -f file3 file1 > Expected_file

file3 is an intermediate file that's being created in the first sed invoked.
# 7  
Old 07-19-2011
Hi Hiano,

Please post error messages which you are facing while executing script.
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