Slow Script Execution.

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# 22  
Old 06-23-2011

Originally Posted by neutronscott
Maybe it's just /bin/sh vs /bin/ksh. It works both ways for me. This is my test system:

[mute@sunny ~]$ uname -a
SunOS sunny 5.10 Generic_141444-09 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Blade-100

I really don't know the matter at the moment. I prefer using bash for everything. Start it with bash, maybe try a printf instead... I dunno.

free=`netstat -an -f inet | awk '
$1 ~ /\.[0-9]+$/ { p = $1
        while (i = index(p, ".")) p = substr(p, i+1)
        if (0+p >= 32768) a[0+p] = 1 }
$1 ~ /SCTP/ { exit }
END { for (p in a) count++
        printf("%d", 32768 - count) }'`
echo Free ports $free

Otherwise maybe someone else can pick this up. I'll be unable to for the next couple hours.

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