Control Characters

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Control Characters
# 1  
Old 06-21-2011
Data Control Characters

Can somebody please help me with the query. ?

I want a part of program of which should look for control characters in the flat file , when it finds it, displaying message that Control Characters found..!

Please help me
# 2  
Old 06-21-2011
Try this Insert ^M by using ^v and ^M
perl -0ne 'print "Control Chars found in $ARGV" if /^M/g' txt.txt

This User Gave Thanks to getmmg For This Post:
# 3  
Old 06-21-2011
Use the [:cntrl:] character class with any tool that supports regular expressions.

These 3 Users Gave Thanks to alister For This Post:
# 4  
Old 06-22-2011

Thanks Alister.. I am actually beginner in scripting.Smilie. so could you please help me writing the block which shill i do the required work ?Smilie
# 5  
Old 06-22-2011
Show your attempts first, and where you're stuck. Read the man pages for grep, awk, ... Otherwise we'd have to assume this is some kind of homework, and any help cheating is prohibited.
# 6  
Old 06-28-2011
I tried that part but its not working..
# 7  
Old 06-28-2011
I want a part of program of which should look for control characters in the flat file , when it finds it, displaying message that Control Characters found..!
The line terminator for a normal unix text file is ctrl/J (linefeed).
Are these text files or something else?
Can you give an example?
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